Chapter 14

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6 weeks later
Today was the day I was going tell my parents that I was pregnant. I was kind of nervous because they live in the Bible Belt and are very religious. First of all I'm pregnant and not married which means I had premarital sex. Second of all I'm in a polyamorous relationship with two men therefor they are bisexual. I just hope they don't disown me I'm pregnant with two babies and I love my parents dearly and want them in my children's lives. They will also be angry because they sent me over here for education not to settle down with a family. They have plenty of money that's not the problem but I know they will be disappointed in me. Today is also the day that we are going to move in to our new house. All of our flats were sold and all of our things

"Alright darling it's time to go, the moving truck is all packed we just have to follow it to the house" Freddie said poking his head into my room. Well my old room.

"Ok." I said exhaling.

"What's wrong dear?" Freddie asked walking over to me.

"I'm just nervous about my parents is all" I told him truthfully. Freddie came up and wrapped him arms around me from behind.

"Everything will be fine" he soothed me "and if it doesn't go the way we want then we will cross that road when we come to it" he finished kissing my cheek.

"Thanks babe" I told him turning around and giving him a real kiss. I could never get tired of kissing his beautiful lips. He just always knows how to calm me down.

"Alright Johns waiting in the car" he said. So we walked out to the car John was driving of course so I sat in the front while Freddie sat in the back.

"I'm so excited to move in!" John announced.

"Me too" Freddie agreed "I can't wait to decorate the house. Especially the nursery! Our children's rooms will look the absolute best they can." Freddie said.

After a while of driving we arrived at our new home. We had decided on something out in the country. Three bedrooms two and a half baths. Very cute and in our price range. I figure the babies would sleep in the same room the first couple years. We got out of the car and the moving company was all ready taking stuff in. The boys insisted I didn't pick up any boxes so I went inside and unpacked what was already in there and wasn't too heavy like clothes and toiletries. This was going to be a long day.

We were all sitting on our couch in the new house I had the phone in my hand and was about to call her but couldn't find the courage.

"I'm sorry I'm taking so long" I told the boys

"It's fine dear take your time" John said to me rubbing my back.

"Ok here it goes I'll have it on speaker" I said finally dialing the number.(I know that they wouldn't have speaker in the early 70's but it works in the story).

The phone rung and my mom picked up the phone "hello" my mother said her country accent thicker than mine.

"Hi mamma it's Ivy"

"Oh hi hunny how are you?"

"I'm good how about you"?

"Oh just wonderful today after I cleaned up the house I worked on a quilt for the church. You see Mary Anne  arranged this for all the women in the church to make a quilt and we are going to give them to the local homeless shelter for the people that need them in the winter. I think it's a very nice thing to do and takes up most of my time." My mom kept talking about her days in Alabama and what's going on at church and with Daddy. She could talk for hours about anything and everything.

"Mom there is something I have to tell you and don't talk till I'm completely done" I told her seriously.

"Oh no is it serious should I go get your father?" She asked me.

"Yes that will probably be easier if you hear it at the same time".

"Billy" I head my mamma yell "yes sue!"  "Ivy needs to tell us something come here" After a little shuffling my mom told me to go ahead.

"Ok I am in a relationship here in England" I told them exhaling this was the part they won't like. "With two men we are all dating each other and we love each other very much." All I heard on the other end was silence might as well finish it off. "And I pregnant with twins" I said even though they weren't really twins it would be easier to say that then explain.

I heard my father stomp off and slam a door. While my mother didn't say anything.

"Mamma?" I tried "say something".

" I don't know what to say. This isn't what we had in mind when we sent you off to England. You were supposed to get your education done not shack up with two men and get pregnant! I am very disappointed in you." She said not taking a breath the whole time.

"I'm sorry mamma. I know this wasn't what you had in mind for me but I'm happy and I love these men".

"And who exactly are these boys?" She asked me.

"There names are John Deacon and Freddie Mercury they are part of the band Queen the album I sang on was there's".

"Really Ivy musicians! Can they take care of you and support you like a man should?"

"Mom they really are wonderful musicians and I have a great job we will be fine" I said ignoring her comment about how a man should support me.

"Ivy do you really love them? With all your heart?" She asked me very serious.

"Yes mom with everything I have they're my whole world" I told her grabbing Freddie and Johns hands.

"Then I guess I can look past the other things but I am buying a plane ticket and coming over there. I need to make sure they are treating you right." She told me and I could tell that I couldn't talk her out of it.

"Ok Mamma" I said.

"I can't believe you're having twins!" She said her usual tone coming back.

"Alright Mom I love you and tell Daddy I love him too. Just call when you buy that ticket so I know when you will be here".

"Love you too honey bunny" she said making a kissy noise. I hung up the phone and relaxed into the couch while John and Freddie started kissing down either side of my neck. I started giggling trying to push them off when John surprised me picking me up and running with me to the bedroom and threw me on the bed. Not long after Freddie was right behind him with that devilish grin on his face. They attacked me with kisses after a while they both laid down and held me.

"I can't believe you guys are going to meat my mom" I told them.

"She will absolutely love us!" Freddie said putting his hands behind his head. "I mean she is your mother she can't be that bad" he said.

"I think she will surprise you" I told them "let's go to bed".

"I actually had other things I mind" John said seductively nibbling on my ear and I couldn't help but let out a moan. These pregnancy hormones will be the end of me.

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