Chapter 2

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Freddie's POV
I could see her staring at me from across the room. Wow she was absolutely gorgeous she beautiful brunette curls going down her back and piercing blue eyes with very prominent features. I have always like men and women with a little more meat on there bones. And boy was this girl beautiful. I just simply have to go talk to her.
Ivy's  POV
Omg he's actually walking over here. After what seemed like years he was standing in front of me. "Hi what's your name" he said looking directly at me. I stood there speechless. Then Mary cut in for me "this is my friend Ivy" " oh uh yeah I'm Ivy" I said quickly trying to gather myself.  "Where are you from obviously not from here" Freddie said with a slight chuckle. "Oh sorry excuse me I'm from a small town in Alabama called Auburn". "Alabama! Oh darling that's absolutely wonderful. I've always wanted to meet an American from the south! How did you end up in London"? "I'm here study'en for school actually" I said. "What for?" Freddie asked inching closer that's when I realized at some point Mary had left. "Dentistry" I said feeling my heart rate rise a little. "Really I have a friend named roger studying dentistry as well" Freddie said. I knew exactly who he was talking about Roger Taylor he's in some of my classes and extremely handsome if I do say so myself that's when Freddie moved a piece of hair out of my face. "Ivy would you like to get out of here" Freddie whispered into my ear. "I would love too I said immediately.

Time lapse
We had been sitting on his couch talking for hours he was just so easy to talk to. "Will you say it again I asked quietly?" "What darling!" He said laughing widely but quickly covering his mouth because of his teeth. We would have to work on that I thought to myself how does he not realize how truly amazing he is. "I could just never say it the way you do with my accent it sounds stupid" I laughed quietly. "Well you know what you can call me with that accent" he said looking at me mischievously. I cocked my head as to say what? He then put his hands on his hips imitating my country accent and said "hey there sugar" we both immediately bust out laughing at his imitation of my voice. He quickly covered his mouth again. That was when I crawled over to his side of the couch straddling him "don't cover them" you said seriously taking his hands of his mouth kissing each hand then the corners of his mouth. "Your beautiful and so are your teeth." You could see him blush when you said that. All of the sudden he put his arms around you and pulled you into a passionate kiss. I wrapped my legs around his waist and opened his mouth with my tongue. We then stood up and ran to his bedroom as quickly as possible.

What are y'all feeling I could do a smutty chapter 3 or keep it fluff.

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