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Tommy's pov

Once I heard the bedroom door close upstairs I looked in front of me at Goody Two-Shoes. I cannot wait to kill him.

"You don't actually love her do you?" He asked. You have got to be kidding me.

"I'm in love with her!" I announced.

"You can't be." He protested while shaking his head.

"Yes I can. Just because the bad guy is known for not having feelings doesn't mean they don't. I'm in love with Sophia and she's in love with me!" I exclaimed.

"Did she ever tell you she was?" She never did, she always tells me she loves me though.

"I can tell." He chuckled and stood up.

"She's not in love with you." He said as he went over to the door.

Yes she is, I know she is. Sophia is in love with me.

Once Goody Two-Shoes left I ran upstairs and went into Sophia and I's bedroom to see her cleaning up.

"Love, c'mer." She put the broom against the wall and hugged me.

"What's wrong, Tommy?" She asked when I hugged her tighter than normal.

"Are you in love with me?" She looked up at me with her eyes narrowed.

"Of course I am, don't be silly." She said while nodding at the beginning.

"Sophia-" I started, but she cut me off.

"I'm in love with you, Tom! I don't know what Meany Butt said to you, but don't listen to him. Just because I've never told you I'm in love with you doesn't mean I'm not." She said while slightly moving my hair out of my eyes.

"You need a haircut." I pulled her back into me instead of replying.

Sophia's in love with me. I knew it.

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