Chapter 6

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In her room, Celaena was writing an entry down in her journal. It's already been a few days since she has lived there. Everyone has been very nice to her so far, so it made her feel right at home.

The cloak was hanging up neatly on a coat hanger. The high boots were right underneath it. She couldn't understand how Robin could wear such a heavy cloak all the time and boots that went up to her knees. She already had a blister on her foot because of it.

It seems like Chrom has been busy with... Exalt things that I've haven't seen him around lately. So I've been spending my time playing with Lucina. Yesterday, she tried picking out an outfit for me to wear. She has a... Very unique taste in fashion. Of course Frederick has been watching me like a hawk almost all day. He really should be spending more time with his son. So far, I haven't been able to remember anything about who I am. Not even a small memory. I'm not sure what will trigger anything, but hopefully I will remember something soon. Though I'm a bit afraid of finding out who I am if my past was tragic. But despite that, I need to know. I need to know...

Closing the journal, Celaena let out a sigh, slumping in her seat. She heard a knock on the door afterwards. "Come in."

The door opened, revealing Frederick. "I came to get you for breakfast. Milord and milady are waiting for you."

Celaena raised her eyebrows. "Chrom's there?" In the few days she's been here, Chrom hasn't been able to make it to the table for breakfast. It was just her, Lissa, and Lucina so far. Getting up from the couch, Celaena walked towards Frederick. "What's today's special?"

"An egg omelette with cow meat and potatoes."

Celaena gave him a teasing smirk. "Not bear meat?"

Frederick froze in place and cleared his throat. "That kind of meat doesn't complement an omelette."

Just the other day, Celaena noticed that Frederick didn't even touch the bear meat that was provided for dinner. That was a clear sign that he dislikes it. "Whatever you say."

Following Frederick out of her room, Celaena closed the door behind her.


Following Frederick to a dining area, Celaena saw Chrom, Lissa, and Lucina sitting at a table that was full of food. Distracted by the delicious food, Celaena sat down at the seat next to Lucina.

Lucina's eyes were beaming at Celaena. "Good morning! Did you sleep well?"

Celaena smiled at the happy little girl. "I did. Did you, little princess?"

"I did! You know what I was thinking? We should have a sleepover soon! It doesn't matter which room, I don't mind."

"Ah, well..." Celaena's eyes automatically shifted towards Frederick who was standing nearby. Frederick seemed to read the situation and nodded. "Of course. We can do it tonight if you want."

Lucina's eyes sparkled. "That makes me so happy! But you know what will make me even more happy?"

"What is it?"

"If you became my mother!"

Feeling embarrassed that Lucina let out that outburst, Celaena hid her face with her hand. "Not that again..."

Hearing Chrom chuckling, Celaena came out of hiding. "My daughter seems really fond of you, Celaena."

"Yeah... Enough where she wants me to be her mother. But I don't think I'm ready for that kind of commitment. I've never raised a child before, so it'll all be new to me."

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