Chapter 8

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It's been about two months since Celaena has been living in Ylisstol. Her every day life has been peaceful. Spending time with the people around her, Lucina who has imprinted her like a baby duckling, and of course... Chrom.

Celaena didn't know what it was, but Chrom always made her feel shy. Was it Robin's lingering feelings? Or her own? Her head felt like it was spinning from the confused thoughts, and thoughts about her past.

There was something that was pondering on her mind. That day Celaena told Chrom about her memory, she failed to mention the cherry blossom trees. She wanted to tell him that part, but felt too awkward to bring it up when it was so long ago.

All while thinking about these swirling thoughts, Celaena opened the door to the bathroom to wash up.

A bunch of steam hit her face. Wondering why there was so much steam, Celaena looked up. She certainly wasn't expecting to see a male's exposed body today.

Celaena's eyes widen at the sight. Her face was redder than a red hot chilly pepper. She wanted to scream, but the sound wouldn't come out.

The male that was in front of her was none than Chrom. Surprise surprise. Chrom saw Celaena standing there blushing that it started to make him blush. "Celaena! What are you doing?!"

The words were stuck in her throat, but Celaena forced them out. "I'm sorry! I didn't know this was occupied! Gods! This is so awkward!"

"You think you feel awkward?! How about how I feel?! You walked in on me!"

"Like I didn't know that, Captain Obvious!"

"I can't believe this happened again..."

"What do you mean again?!"

Chrom went silent. "It's... Nothing."

Celaena just blinked. She assumed that Robin had walked in on him once. What a weird relationship they have to walk in on each other. Shaking her head vigorously, she placed her hand on the doorknob. "I'm out of here!" In a panic, she slammed the door behind her.

Trying to calm her heart, Celaena let out a deep sigh. A while ago, Chrom walked in on her. And now... She walked in on him.

It was a nice view, but an invasion of privacy.

Trying to get the image out of her head, Celaena started walking towards the direction of her room. She needed to take a long nap after all that has happened.


In Celaena's dream, she was wearing the dirty robe again. She was laying on a bed that was on the floor for some reason. Rising up, she noticed that she was in a house made of rice paper.

Looking to the side, Celaena noticed that there were medical herbs in a bowl. She wondered if that was for her. In this strange body, she did feel somewhat ill.

Hearing the door open, Celaena saw a woman in her late forties carrying a tray of food. The woman looked surprised, but soon her expression turned to a soft smile. "You're awake. And you seem to be doing well. That's good."

The woman placed the tray of food near the medical herbs. Celaena just blinked in confusion. "Who... Are you..?"

The woman's smile turned pained. Her eyes seemed sad for some reason. "I understand that you have amnesia due to the disease you have. I will tell you who I am once more. I'm your mother."

Celaena's eyes widen in shock. "My... Mother..?"

Her mother nodded. "I will remind you how many times it takes for you to remember on your own."

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