Chapter Five: A Journey Begins - Part Two

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It was a sunny yet chilly morning, and I was ready to travel to Whiterun. I will admit that I was nervous, and I did not know what journeys were ahead of me. Though what I did know, was that I needed a new start. I wore some fur clothing for the chilly weather, and I carried a dagger for defense. My backpack was light, as it only consisted of food and water. As I walk down the stone path out of Riverwood, I hear the sounds rushing river waters and the birds. It sounded beautiful. Back home, I have never seen such beauty. Yes, Cyrodiil was pretty, but Skyrim; this land was something different. I felt a sense of spirit and balance like this land was kissed and blessed by Kynareth herself. Though maybe it was just my imagination. After my mother passed, I sought out comfort from the Divines, especially Kynareth. I had always admired her strength and spirit for Nirn, and she reminded me a lot of my mother. As I clutch my mother's pendant around my neck, I think of her and only her. She was the foundation of my life and when she died it crumbled beneath me. Sometimes I wonder if things would be different it was still alive. Would my father have left? Would I be happily married to a noble lord, already with children? These were questions that I tend not to dwell on, as I would never truly know the answers.

As I approach over the small hill, I see the city of Whiterun in the distance. It was a small city, but full of life. The dark orange grass fields surrounding the walls complemented by the sunrise behind the Great Palace. It was truly beautiful. I walk further down the stone path, passing the Meadery and the local farms and through the Stables. As I approach the city gates, a Guard walks up to me and halts.

"Halt! The city's closed with the dragons about. Official business only."

'What should I say? What should I say?' This clouded my head as I tried to think of a good valid reason to be grant entrance into the city.

"I have news from Helgen, about the dragon attacks."

The Guard stood but looked at me with suspicion.

"Fine, but we'll be keeping an eye on you."

I nodded and walked through the city gates, and as they opened I was in awe. The city was more beautiful than I imagined. There were houses that were built in the Nordic fashion, orange and yellow trees that complemented the town, and there were even children playing tag in the streets. It was homey and peaceful.

I walked through the marketplace and notice all of the people browsing and bartering with shopkeepers. There were some arguments but also pleasantries. Though one that I noticed, was between a Redguard gentleman and a Nord woman.

"Oh Carlotta, can't you sell fine quality vegetables in your stall. I mean they are all so stale." said the Redguard. He wore fine clothing and looked as though he was a noble. By his attitude, I'll bet a hundred septims he was.

The Nord woman gave a disgusted look and snapped back with a sassy remark.

"Go away Nazeem, I don't need your arrogant remarks disrupting my business. Unless you're going to buy something, get lost."

"See, if you have bought produce from my farm, your business would have plenty more success." the man replied, taking a tomato and tossing it on the ground.

I watched and wanted to help. One side of my conscience was telling me to intervene, but the other side was telling me not to.

"Hey!" I yelled, approaching the noble, "The lady told you to leave, so leave."

The Redguard turned to me and laughed.

"Who are you to speak to someone who is that of superiority? You are nothing but a mere peasant."

I was outraged right now, I felt rage and I wanted to let him have it.

"Excuse me but I'll have you know that my name is Lucien - ..."

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