Chapter Twenty-Two: All But Glory (Part One)

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A/N: Part One of the final chapter! This is so exciting! This chapter will start out in Anediir's POV. I hope you all enjoy it!


I ran out of the palace. I had to find Tailsin. Lucien left, on her own, and I needed help. I ran through the city, running into pedestrians. I didn't even stop to say sorry, I was too caught up in running. I felt tears streaming down my face. I couldn't believe she left, by herself. I ran through the city gate, nearly tripping. I looked around and hopped over the city wall, landing on the other side.

"Tailsin! Tailsin!" I yelled, running, "Where are you?"

I ran past the stables and the farms. He had to be nearby, he had to be somewhere. The moon was barely coming up from the mountains, and it was getting cold. I made it to the intersection where the two bridges met.

"Tailsin!" I cried, "Come on, you have to hear me..."

I looked around frantically. I wanted to keep running, but I was too tired. I was so scared of being alone again. I had to find Tailsin and tell him what happened. I looked towards the hill that lead to the pine forest, and I saw a figure running down the hill. My eyes widened when I saw that it was a cloaked figure.


Tailsin came running down the hill, a hood over his head. My eyes lit up when I knew it was him. He had a confused expression on his face.

"What are doing here? And where's Lucien?" He asked, grabbing my shoulders.

I felt my eyes swell up, and my throat clenched, "She's gone Tailsin... She left!"

Tailsin's eyes widened at my remark.

"What do you mean "she's gone"?" He asked.

"She left to fight Alduin, by herself! She's gone..." I said.

Tailsin released his hands from my shoulders and took a few steps back. He paced back and forth while squeezing the sides of his head. He stopped in his tracks.


I stood there in silence. I was frustrated too, but also sad. Tailsin was angry, that much I knew. But I also knew that he couldn't do anything about it. She's gone, and we can't reach her.

"I was too late," Tailsin said, staring towards the ground.

I stood there quietly for a few moments before speaking up, "Why did you leave?"

Tailsin looked at me, a bit shocked at the question. I was curious but also disappointed. He could've stopped her had he been here, but he wasn't, and I couldn't figure out why.

"I know you're mad and probably think I'm the worst person on the planet, but the situation is too complicated to explain to you." He sighed.

"I can try to understand," I said.

Tailsin let out a big sigh, taking in a deep breath, "Anediir, it's grown up stuff."

"Grown up stuff? C'mon Tailsin, I'm not a small child, I think I know how the birds and the bees work-"

Tailsin cut me off, "That's not what I meant by grown-up stuff!"

I stood there for a moment, confused. I shot him a confused and amused look.

"It's more complicated than that. And I don't think that you'll understand, no matter how mature you are." Tailsin said, sighing.

I decided not to pry anymore. I knew I was never going to get a straight answer. Though, at least now I'm not alone. But I couldn't help but think about Lucien. Where was she? Is she okay? Will she be back? Tailsin and I walked to Whiterun, where we decided to wait for her until she came back.

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