Chapter Nine: The Voice

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A/N: This chapter has a lot of shifts in POVs, so I apologize in advance. I hope this doesn't make the chapter too confusing. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it and feedback is much appreciated!


I looked down at the man before me. This was weird, too weird. A vampire? What in Oblivion is a vampire doing following me? Why can't I just be alone and do my own thing without people getting in the way?

"Why are you following me?" I asked, putting the weight of my leg on his chest.

"Jeez, you're heavy! How much do you weigh?"

'What the hell?'

"Answer the question dammit!" I yelled.

He chuckles a little bit before clearing his throat, "That's classified information."

By the gods, I was losing my patience.

"Alright you filthy vampire, I've had enough of your stupid games! Why are you following me?" I yelled, holding my dagger against his throat.

He grabbed my wrist and squeezed very hard.

"I'm not afraid of you sweetheart. If anything, you should be afraid of me." He said with a devilish smirk.

I release the dagger from his throat and yank my arm from his hand. I stood up, my dagger was still drawn.

"Okay, I'm going to keep climbing this mountain and you are going to leave me alone," I said, pointing the dagger towards him.

"No can do sweetheart. You're not going to survive that climb without me," he said, putting his hands to his sides.

"Oh, and why is that?"

Suddenly, I felt a sting in the back of my shoulder. And everything went black.


Tailsin's POV

I was standing only a few feet from her. It's so adorable how she thinks she's so tough, it cracks me up.

"Okay, I'm going to keep climbing this mountain and you are going to leave me alone," she said, pointing her dagger at me.

This was so cute.

"No can do sweetheart. You're not going to survive this climb without me." I said, putting my hands to my side.

Her face looked annoyed and confused. I could tell she was getting flustered.

"Oh, and why is that?"

All of a sudden, she fell over. She landed face first into the snow. A small arrow in her back. 'That's not good'. I looked out in the distance and I saw someone. I perked my ears, listening in closely.

"Stupid idiot! Can't even kill one girl," he whispered.

"I can hear you! Come on out Dylan!" I yelled, staring at the figure behind the tree.

Dylan stepped out. He was wearing a long deep red cloak. His hair was a natural red, like any Nord's. He held a crossbow in his hand, probably stole it from the Dawnguard. His cocky smile pissed me off. He better had not killed her.

"What the fuck was that?"

"What are you talking about," he said, laughing, "This little thing? Relax, I just put her to sleep."

I walked slowly towards Dylan. Where does he come off messing around with my mission? I was furious.

"So you thought you could just play around with my mission like it was some sort of game?" I grabbed his neck, tightly squeezing, "You don't think I can kill my targets? You think I'm not the best at what I do?"

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