Chapter one

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Y/n pov

We were able to get the Jedi Eth Koth with a tractor beam and brought them closer so we can board the ship. We advance in the ship, me and Grevious soon get to the bridge.

Grevious cuts a hole through the door he taps on it before sending it flying only hitting a clone. Grevious enters first Grevious says," Jedi." The Jedi responded with distaste," Grevious." Grevious laughs walking to the right letting me and the BX droids in. The droids destroyed only one clone and the Jedi left but the Jedi was injured.

Then the zapper droids came in dealing with the last clone quickly. The zapper droids surround him Grevious jumped up on the holographic planner Grevious said," Eth Koth, isn't it? I've been looking forward to meeting you." He laughed then started coughing.

When he stopped the Jedi said to him," Your reputation proceeds you General. Reputation of a coward and a murderer." Grevious responded," Murder? Is it murder to rid galaxy of you. Jedi. Filth." He had slowly stood up straight lighting two lightsabers. Grevious kicked the Jedi sending him backwards they quickly start to fight the zapper droids staying with them.

When the Jedi force pushed Grevious into the glass and went to attack the droid reacts zapping him. He got zapped two more times before Grevious held the Jedi with his hand holding the Jedi's throat. Grevious laughed as the Jedi struggled in his grasp.


I watched as he made the message holding the Jedi's neck Grevious said," Greetings Jedi~, it would seem once again one of your order has lost his way even better a member of your Jedi council. After a pause he continued," Listen to me Jedi I do not care about your politics. I do not care about your republic. I only live to see you die!"

He pointed at the Jedi the zapper droid then zaps him. He screams in pain the droid backed off Grevious said," But, death will not come easily with Master Koth. I will make him suffer endlessly because I know it is more painful for you all!" He starts to laugh but starts to cough ending the message recording.

I ask Grevious noticing the hand singals," Where are we going to again?" I step on the Jedi's hand causing him to cry out in pain. Grevious answered," Silicami system." He was put back up caged I noticed the Jedi's long stare which annoyed me I glare at him in return he stopped staring.


Grevious came back on the bridge the tactical droid turned to him it said," Sir we have entered the Silicami system." Grevious gave a glance at the Jedi before looking forward saying," Began preparations for our land." He stopped next to me the tactical droid responded," Yes sir." A droid said suddenly," Uh... sir? There are several ships coming out of hyperspeed."

Grevious asked," Are they republic or separatist?" The ships came in view showing it's republic the droid said," Republic. Three crusier class, four escort class." The Jedi slightly opened his eyes Grevious walked up to him he said," You see your compassionate friends have come to rescue. Just as I knew they would." The Jedi didn't responded to him.

The ships came closer suddenly the tactical droid said," Sir one of the republic ships is hailing us my lord." Grevious responded," Put it through." Grevious walked forward the Jedi groaned. A Male came on screen with well kept hair and brown beard he said," General, I knew one day I would catch up with you."

Grevious said sounding pleased," Kenobi, what a surprise. I assume you are here to, bring me to justice?" Kenobi answered," You know me too well." Grevious said," Indeed I do." He ended the hail Grevious said," Prepare to fire all cannons, and be alert. Where there is Kenobi you will always find Skywalker not too far behind."

The tactical droid said," The ships are faster and more maneuverable I suggest caution." Grevious responded," Draw them in. I want to board that vessel. I shall kill Kenobi face to face!" The attack started, after a small bit Grevious said," Get me a tractor beam lock on Kenobi's ship and prepare a boarding party."

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