Chapter seventeen

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Y/n pov

I was glad I was near Coruscant when I heard that Ahsoka was being held captive over killing someone. I growl,' Ahsoka wouldn't do that! How little faith do they have in her.' I comm Grevious I said," General I have some business on Coruscant so I'll be late getting to the ship." Grevious asked," And that would be?" I hesitate," Um, well-" I sigh deciding to tell him," I'm saving Ahsoka from the Jedi, or I'll try."

Grevious responded waving me off," Go do your "business" then. Be back soon or tell me your not coming for a while." I nod," Yes Master." The communication ended I flew to Coruscant landing in the lower levels quickly getting up there finding the prison. I sneak in looking around I soon find the place I'm looking for coming inside I see the ray sheild open and guards beaten on the floor. Ahsoka came running skidding to a stop looking around her eyes stopping on me.

She looked suprised I said feeling awkward," Um, hi Ahsoka. Those Clones weren't beaten by me. I just got here." She nods she looks down her eyes widen taking a few steps forward  she picks up some things. I walk over seeing it was her lightsabers and comlink. The comlink was blinking green making a beeping noise. She answered it she said," Hello? Who is this? Why are  you helping me?"

Suddenly the door to my right opens a clone walking in he paused he asked," What's  going on here?" I was about to grab a lightsaber when Ahsoka grabbed my hand she said to him," It wasn't us." He went to the terminal pressing his fist to a button sirens going off. I growl," We better run. Now!" We start running away turning a corner we see droids in the way we jump over the Astromech not listening to the other droid as we continue to run. Of course we run right into clones they seemed suprised too.

We turn around running away a clone yells," Commander Tano stop!" We don't stop the hall doors began to close we barely make it through. I look over to see the clone from earlier,  but ignore him and continue to run with Ahsoka. We soon stop seeing dead clones,' Great. Poor Ahsoka.' She said worried looking at the three killed from a lightsaber," Oh no."

Shooting behind us pushed us to continue running," This person "helping" you really wants you in mando trouble." Ahsoka said annoyed," Yeah." Suddenly we hear Anakin he said loudly," Ahsoka! It's me Anakin." She stops tired I stop watching for clones Anakin continued," Stop running." Ahsoka replied," You can't help me Master. Someone is setting me up!" Anakin replied," I believe you Ahsoka."

Ahsoka stood straight she said," No one else will." She said quieter to me," Except you Y/n." I nod a small smile under my helmet. We began to run again trying to escape.


We were able to get out but had to run from stun blasting clones. Ahsoka and I stood now surrounded I whispered," Remember the plan?" She whispered back," On your signal jump to the sewer pipe." I nod we were fully surrounded except the sewer pipes. I said to her," Now Ahsoka!" We jump to the gigantic pipe Anakin yelled," Ahsoka!" She quickly cut a hole going down. I jump in after her I start going I look back seeing Ahsoka looking up through the hole till a clone is seen.

We quickly start running again from them. We soon reach the end of the pipe to outside a humongous drop down to the lower levels. We stop looking down to what's below with many ships going up and others down. Suddenly Anakin was heard," Ahsoka. What are you doing?" Ahsoka said to him upset turning around," You didn't even try to come and help me." Anakin replied," They wouldn't let me in to talk to you."

Ahsoka said to him," You could have of your way through!" Anakin replied walking toward us," How would that look Ahsoka. Huh? Forcing my way in would have made you look even more guilty." Ahsoka responded even more upset," I'm not guilty!" Anakin said to her," Then we have to prove your innocent. The only way we can do that is by going back." Ahsoka replied to him," I don't know who to trust." Anakin said to her," Listen, I would never let anyone hurt you Ahsoka. But you need to come back and make your case to the council."

It took everything in me to not comment Ahsoka replied," No, I'm not going to take the fall for something I didn't do!" Anakin said to her," I am ordering you to put down your lightsaber and come with me. Now! Trust me." I heard clones in the background,' We better go soon.' Ahsoka said to him," I do trust you. But you know as well as I do that no one else will believe me... except Y/n."

She gave me a small glance before looking behind her to the ship lowering behind us. She said looking back to him," Anakin, you have to trust me now." Anakin replied a little upset," Ahsoka I do trust you." Ahsoka said raising a hand," I know you do." Lowering it she said to him," Wish us luck." We jump I take hold of her using my jet to slow our descent till we land safely on the ship. We watch them as they watch us. Until we stop watching them I said," Now to come up with a plan... any ideas?"

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