Season 3:the walkingdead part-2

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I've been with the group for about

A week now but I don't know how I feel about them. I like them but something needs to go..... or someone. Carl. he doesn't remember me , thank god.

Let's take a trip down off memory lane shall we.



"Yea becca"

"I'm scared"

I finally got to admit that to him. I'm just starting 4th grade in a new school and I'm kind of dying inside.i miss my old friends😔so much. they're probably the reason why I'm still here but that's a different story that will be explained later on.

"Your going to be just fine" Daryl told me

"Thanks darlina, your the best " I gave him a reassuring hug .

"Okay kid, I gotta go now. be safe." he kissed my forehead and left.

After he left I tried making new friends. some people introduced me to them , then left to go with their group. then there was carl, he looked lonely like me.

I walked up to the boy with dark brown hair and ocean blue eyes.

"Hi I'm new here" I put my hand out for him to take it

"My name is Rebecca "

He warmly smiled back and we shook hands.

" My name is carl"

After that we became best friends. we'd play eye spy but it wasn't really fair because we would say each other's eye color.we would talk about the funniest and deepest stories of our life.

One morning there was this group of guys who came to talk to carl

"I'll be one second. I promise I'll come back."

"Okay that's fine☺️have fun I guess"

Ever since then he didn't talk to me. I tried calling him but it would always go to voicemail .I've tried texting him too. a few days later he came up to me with his new group.

"Carl, thank god. I thought you were ignoring me for a sec-"

"Shut up.why am I wasting my time with someone as pathetic as you. why was I ever your friend anyway. your short , fat and sooooo embarrassing to be with. bye loser."

He punched me in the stomach right after. I started to break down and ran strait to the bathroom. the bullying would get worse day by day .something inside of me told me that one day he would be the same carl that he was before .in the mean time I would hurt or cry myself to sleep because I thought that it was my fault. Maybe if I was skinnier or taller we would still be best friends. everything was my fault

*flashback end*

I still have bruises and scars that he did to me,but some of them he didn't .

I was next to Daryl when Carl came up to me.

"Hi I'm carl"

I really don't want to talk to him right now.

"Yeah I know who you are"


"I'm the girl who you called fat and short!the one you would hit everyday for no reason!you were the one who I thought was my best friend! I thought you would come back! you

never did!"

Right now I'm basically crying my eyes out while he just stares at me with awe.

"Becca, I'm so sorry-"

"Save it "

And with that I ran as far as I could to get away. I heard people screaming for me to come back . that didn't matter to me at the moment . what I did want was to get as far away as possible.

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