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A thick knot of armpit hair snatched me before I could jump. shrek laughed and flung me across the room.

"You are with me now and shall be forever."

He dragged me into a crate and licked me before locking it.


shrek put me to work. hard. I broke my back, made up an excuse. I was really throwing that ass back for Daquan.

For the first time I saw something that made me disturbed.

Shrek was twerking. Hard. In front of the mirror grunting while shaking hard. not much else, only frothing at the mouth because he had rabies.

He screamed,


Daquan came flying through the window looking ghetto af. but also hot af.

I heard pterodactyl screeches and I knew Harry wanted some of Daquan's magic powers.

Felecia started grunting hard af with crusty spit forming in the corners of her mouth, obviously shitting in her diaper. I threw her out the widow and joined Daquan and shrek as they preformed a ritual that made me happy.

The abduction of loversWhere stories live. Discover now