#4: Happy at Last

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Jamie-Lee screamed with sadness as Donny and Freddy gained conscious again. Poli explained everything to them both and all of them agreed they should go and get help. Freddy looked for Francine but she was swept away by the waves too quickly. "There's no coastguard. What will we do now?" Poli turned around to see Frans running back to Euroclub. "It's ok, I think Frans has gone to get help." 10 minutes later, he came back with Petra and Mans. "If there is no coastguard, were just going to have to hope for the best that she's still alive." Said Mans with a frown. Petra nodded at the search crew. "I would say try tomorrow morning before your first rehearsals and before school for you, Frans." Mans peered out at the waves. "Petra's right! Perhaps she might have washed up on the beach by tomorrow morning." Petra had a sad smile on her face. "Just try to hope for the best and pray that she's still alive! We need to take the horses back to the paddock." Poli found Milk tied to a tree, so she brought him to the paddock too...... For the rest of the night, all the contestants couldn't stop thinking about Francine and her safety. What if she never woke up????? At 7:00am the next morning, the search party went down onto the beach and started their search along the sandy shore for the soon to be washed up Francine.........................

The Denmark delegations, Lighthouse X had offered to help too, so off they all went. They searched hill tops and rock cliffs but still nothing. Just as they were about to turn back, a huge wave crashed against a huge rock face. Everyone watched with memorised eyes, but what they didn't know is that a familiar face washed up with it... Suddenly, Freddy could hear a wheezy but soft voice coming from behind the nearby cliff face. "Help....mme....." the others followed him in wonder. Freddy stopped in shock at what he saw.... was it a dead animal? A dead body? No! It was....... it was...........FRANCINE! They all ran to aid her but saw another wave was coming. It crashed down on her as she coughed and spluttered sea water and seaweed everywhere! When the coast was clear. Freddy picked her up and put her down on a stair. She was knocked unconscious again! "Wait! I think she's waking up now!" Said the clearly gay member of Lighthouse X. And so she did. Francine awoke with a cough, her chest crackling. She then bent over and threw up a massive red squid! "Woah, steady on there, girl." Donny said as he patted her back. She coughed and spluttered for 30 minutes, each one sounding worse and worse until they took her to the backstage area, where the others were prepping for first rehearsals. The time was now 7:50am. On the way there, Francine has fallen unconscious again. Freddy carried her all the way with the Lighthouse X boys in front of them. Everyone cheered when they walked into the room, but soon the mood changed when Freddy holding Francine was visible. "You found her, omg. She looks pale and ill!"  Jamala said concerned. More of them could be heard across the backstage area. "Oh, I do hope she's ok." Said Laura Tesoro. "Prayers to her, she must live, William." Said Deban dramatically. The only ones who hadn't seen were Jamie-Lee and Poli who were crying in each other's arms. Freddy knocked on Polis door and showed them Francines unconscious body. Jamie-Lee was so happy, she went over and hugged her hand that was drooping over the side. "Oh, thank god, Freddy for saving her life!" Poli picked her up and placed her on the couch. "We will take it from here." She said as Freddy left the room. Jamie-Lee went to the corner of the room and placed her shawl, which was made of flowers, over Francines head as they left the room to do their first rehearsals........

50 minutes later, they came back to find Francines body untouched. While they were getting ready to check on her, they heard shuffling. She was waking up! She spluttered more sea water on the table and sat up. Poli comforted her. "Yey, she's awake! She then flopped off the table and fell to the floor. "I think she's still a bit unconscious since the big fall down there. Here's my flower blanket for her. Lay her on the sofa again and let her rest until she has gained conscious. I will go and get some food." Said Jamie-Lee as she ran off to the cafeteria. Meanwhile, Poli was looking after Francine when a knock sounded on the door. The door was opened by........ William and Deban! "Poli, is she ok?" Worried William. Poli smiled. "Yeah, she's getting better. Jamie-Lee has gone to get some food. We predict she will wake up in an hour or so? Deban swatted his face in stress. "Ok, we will check back in an hour." He said as he ran out the door slamming it shut behind him. Poli went to look for Jamie-Lee so she left Francine alone for a while. They came back to a now conscious Francine. She spluttered more sea water and seaweed until she stopped and fell off the sofa with a thud........ "Are you ok?" Poli said running to her side. Francine coughed then spoke her first words since the fall: "Yeah, I am now." Jamie-Lee hugged Poli with joy. "She's happy at last!" She jumped with cuteness. Francine went outside. All the others raced to praise her. In amongst the crowd though, two faces were seen waving. Was it Donny or  Freddy? No! It was.....William and Deban!

P.O.V: I saw them running towards me. I was frozen on the couch! I couldn't move at all! William squeezed me tight into a hug "Thank goodness your ok! We were all scared for you." We had lunch together that very day after I went home to get changed. I don't have keys, I have owner only doors and windows so only I can control them and if anyone did break in, they would be zapped by the lasers that guarded it!" As we talked, I was becoming more open to them. Everyone was right, I am happy at last! But little did I know tomorrow night in Semi Final 1, something would change my life forever.......

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