when nightmares turn to be reality

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لم اكن شخصاً سيئاً ابداً، كل ما اردته ان اتحرر من شرها...
لقد جاءت الى غرفتي ليلاً و طلبت مني ان اطعنه بوحشية......
لكنها لن تخرج من حياتي ان لم افعل هذا...
لا اعلم ما يخيفني اكثر.... رؤية والدتي المتوفية منذ 3 سنوات بهذه الوحشية؟!
ام طلبها بقتل والدي....
الذي انتحر بعد وفاتها بيوم...؟

I wasn't a bad person, all I wanted was to free myself from her evil ...
She came to my room at night and asked me to murder him brutally ......
She'll never leave me alone, unless I do so .....
Unlike anything I've ever experienced, this was a real nightmare...
I don't know which scares me more ....
Seeing my mother who died 3 year ago as a malicious person ?!
Or her orders to kill my father ....
Who committed suicide after one day of her death ..?

Short Scary Tales ~قصص رعب قصيرةحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن