لطالما راقبت ابنتي و هي تتكلم الى دميتها ، كانت تتحدث معها كأنها صديقة حقيقية.... قلقت عليها، فقررت مراقبتها...
ذات يوم سمعتها تتحدث عن القتل....
انتظرت موعد نومها و قمت بدفن تلك الدمية بالحديقة المجاورة للمنزل...
وفي الصباح..
جاءت ابنتي الى غرفتي و هي تحمل تلك الدمية و قالت بهدوء :"امي، هل صحيح انك حاولتي التخلص من صديقتي الوحيدة؟"I always watch my daughter in her free time while talking to her puppet...
But I'll never forget that day when I caught her talking to her doll as if she was alive...
At first it's was okay, Coz many kids talk to their toys....
But I was terrified when I heard her talking about murder.
That night I waited her to sleep...
I take advantage to bury that creepy puppet in the back yard. ..
In the morning, when I opened my eyes, I saw her holding that creepy doll in her hands as if it was a missing friend who was found and brought back home safe...
"Mother. IS it true that you tried to get rid of my best friend?" She said quietly.
أنت تقرأ
Short Scary Tales ~قصص رعب قصيرة
HorrorDo you enjoy creepy stories? If you like spooky stories, then give my book a shot. A series of short horrific scary stories that will take your breath..... Enjoy <3 سلسلة من القصص القصيرة المرعبة و المثيرة.... اتمنى ان تنال اعجابكم :-) لقد قمت...