Konnichiwa! In this lesson you will learn one of the three writing systems. This one is the most common, (i guess). Let me just say that you can't learn japanese without learning the writing systems or alphabet. So, please learn the alphabet and writing systems!!! This one is called Hiragana.
Remember the first lesson? we learnt the alphabet, so in this one i will be using the alphabet again!
A あ, I い, U う, E え, O お
K: Ka か, Ki き, Ku く, Ke け, Ko こ.
S: Sa さ, Shi し, Su す, Se せ, So そ.
T: Ta た, Chi ち, Tsu つ, Te て, To と.
N: Na な, Ni に, Nu ぬ, Ne ね, No の.
H: Ha は, Hi ひ, Fu ふ, He へ, Ho ほ
M: Ma ま, Mi み, Mu む, Me め, Mo も.
Y: Ya や, Yu ゆ, Yo よ.
R: Ra ら, Ri り, Ru る, Re れ, Ro ろ.
W: Wa わ, Wi ゐ, We ゑ, Wo を.
and N: ん