Your not leaving - 13

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"It's cause of NICK isn't it?!" Gio asked, I sat in the chair next to him "huh? What are you talking about?" I said as I fiddled with my fingers.

"Your leaving to L.A and I want to know why. So-so what is it? Why are you leaving me Skai?" Gio asked as tears started to form in his eyes.

"Have you ever stopped to consider that it may be due to the fact that you abuse me? and that I don't feel safe around you?" I asked while looking up at him as anger and sadness ran through my body.

"I-I didn't meant too" he stuttered. "You know I love you" as he said that a tear dropped

"I diDnt mEan tOo" I mimicked "so You ACCIDENTALLY punched me? You ACCIDENTALLY chocked me?  Your version of love is very fucked up." I told him as I got up from the chair and checked my phone


I'm busy so one of the boys r gonna come get you. Make sure u have your stuff the flight is at 8

Ight. See u at the airport 🖤

I turned off the phone and looked at Gio "I'm leaving at 8, one of the boys are going to pick me up" I said making my way to get my suitcases "could you help me with my stuff?" I asked while struggling to get the rest of my things since they were quite heavy.

"Sit back down you not going anywhere" Gio said. "Yes I am, now help me these are heavy" I whined still trying to manage the boxes

"No." Gio bluntly said. I snapped my head and looked at him "what do you mean no? Help me" I said starting to get angry, he just sat there on his phone not budging. "Fine I'll just wait for one of the boys to come and help me" I huffed and placed down the box.

"I SAID YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" Gio yelled suddenly he got up and punched me in the face causing me to black out.


And eye oop-
He not playing 💀

Sorry but
Your gonna hate me for the next chapters 🥺

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