Father - 19

386 12 2

Time skip. (2 months later)

Recently Nick has been spending a lot of time at my place to make sure i'm okay and that nothing happens to me. I can say it does make me feel safe but I also feel a bit caged like I can't do certain things.

I woke up this morning to an empty bed and multiple messages from my sperm doner, i mean father. Nick had gotten up early cause Brandon wanted the boys in the studio to do who knows what. Honestly I don't know why they have so much studio time but still haven't released an album.

I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth, once I got out I put on some clothes and headed to the kitchen to get something to eat, as I was eating i decided to check the messages this man sent me.


hey princess, I haven't heard from you in a while
How's everything ?

Your mother told me that you and Ed moved out to L.A, I was planning on coming over to see you since i'm in L.A right now.

How did you get my number? I told you I don't want to hear from you.

I know but I wanted to apologise and it doesn't feel genuine doing it over the phone

No. You don't deserve to apologise and you definitely do not deserve my forgiveness

Baby I said i'm sorry, give me your address so we can talk. I want to see my beautiful daughter

I don't trust you with my address. If you really want to see me I guess I can meet you at the mall.

That'll do I guess, which mall?

I sighed as I texted my father the address for the mall, I don't want to see him myself so I decided to ask Carter to come with me especially since we've grown so closer over the past few weeks, I've told him a lot about myself as well as him telling me about himself and his problems.


Hey Hey

Cartier Carter😌:
Hey gorgeous, what's up?

Nothin much, was wondering if you would come to the mall with me¿

Cartier Carter😌:
Sure, what time?

Um now.....👀

Cartier Carter😌:
Damn I aint even had time to prepare, do u need me to pick u up?

Yeah. N my fault some last minute plans didn't want to go by myself.

Cartier Carter😌:
It's all good. Be there in 10

I put down the phone and continued eating. The thought of seeing my father again made my heart race, we don't have the typical "Father-Daughter" relationship. When i was younger he abused me both physically and sexually, he used to always say that I wasn't supposed to be born and his life would've been happier if it were only him my mum and Edwin.

You'd think that Edwin and my mother knew, but unfortunately they didn't, when my mum divorced my father he moved out but she'd still send me to see him because he claimed he wanted to "spend time" with me. The only reason my father stopped beating me was because Edwin started to suspect something going on. Later on I had got with Gio and the beatings basically just transferred from one man to the next. My father knew what Gio was doing but never did anything. Said that I deserved it and i'll never be enough for a man who truly appreciates me.

The only difference between Gio and my father was that after all the arguments and all the times he beat me Gio actually loved me and was still there for me, he'd have his moments where he'd realise what he was doing and spoil me, give his apologies I could tell how bad and sorry he felt.

My phone dinged snapping me out my thoughts.

Cartier Carter😌: outside

I got my bag and headed out the door. "Ew is that Carter" I teased as i got in the car. "You see now I shouldn't bring you anywhere" he laughed. "you love me too much to say no to me" I smiled


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