Peter Parker

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Peter's P.O.V

I quickly stuffed my suit deeper in my backpack before shoving some textbooks on top of it and zipping it up as fast as I could. I suddenly felt a chin resting on my shoulder as an all familiar voice chirped in my ear.

"Hi Pete! Wanna walk around before homeroom?" she asked, a happy smile resting on her beautiful features.

"Um, I'm sorry but I actually really needed to talk to Ned, have you seen him around?" I replied, giving her my most apologetic smile.

"No, not yet. I-I'll be in homeroom if you need me." she quickly responded before walking past me, slightly brushing against my shoulder. I could've sworn I saw her smile falter..was that my fault? Y/N never frowns...she always seems so happy. My thoughts were quickly interrupted by Ned hurrying towards me.

Your P.O.V 

I rushed to homeroom, blinking away my tears. What was I crying for? It was just a conversation! But Peter's been so distant lately. We never hang out anymore, and he barely texts me anymore...does he not want me around? Was he hiding something from me? The thought of my crush pushing me away broke my heart. Honestly, crush was an understatement. I think I'm in love with Peter Parker.

I settled down in my seat and doodled in my notebook until the bell rang. Everyone slowly shuffled into the classroom and took their seats, Ned and Peter were the last ones to arrive, and instead of taking their normal seats next to me, they took two at the opposite end of the classroom. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. Luckily I had art first, maybe that would help take my mind off of things. 

The teacher took attendance and the first bell rang, sending us to our classes. The first half of the day went by a little rocky. I had almost every class with Peter and I couldn't get my mind off of how much he's been ignoring me. Then lunch finally came. Ned, Peter, MJ and I usually sat together, but I wasn't in the mood to be around them today, so I just sat in the hallway on my phone. 

I stared down at the text I had typed out. 

We need to talk Parker. Roof, 9 p.m.

It wasn't much, but it explained everything I wanted it to. I wasn't expecting him to show, but maybe he'd feel guilty reading it. I hit send, whether or not I would get a reply or not, depended on tonight's events.

-Time Skip-

I pulled on a jacket and headed out of my apartment. Peter and I lived in the same apartment complex, and on the same floor, so I hoped he wouldn't find it unnecessarily difficult to get to the roof.

I walked onto the roof, a gust of wind hit me, sending shivers down my spine. I pulled the jacket tighter, and checked the time. 9:05 p.m. Nothing to worry about, yet. 

I had been sitting up here for what had seemed like hours, and Peter still hadn't showed. It was 10:45... The small part of me that still had hope of him actually meeting me here broke, and with it, my emotions. Tears streamed down my face, and I didn't even try to stop them. I sobbed into the sleeves of my over sized hoodie, my thoughts getting invaded by angry and sad theories of why he didn't show up, when suddenly I felt a presence to my left.

"Go away Peter. You've already said enough by not showing up." I sniffled, turning away from the figure.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I had to finish training, then Ned was bugging me about the Lego Death Star! And to top it all off I had to go on patrol to make sure no one was trying to rob a bank!" the voice exclaimed. It was uncanny to Peters.

"Patrol? What on earth are you talking about-" I turned around and my voice seemed to disappear as I was met with the masked face of Spiderman. 

"I know I've been distant and that's because I didn't know how to tell you I was Spiderman. Ned was busy freaking out about it since he accidentally found out, and Mr. Stark practically wanted to kill me for letting my identity out. But I trust you with my life, so I wanted to tell you first and I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, it hurt me so much to see you so sad in school today, and it hurt even more knowing I caused you to feel that way, a-and please don't cry Y/N, I-I really am sorry, and I l-love you!" I heard his voice crack, knowing he had started to cry too, but I couldn't help but tense up at his last words..I love you..he loved me? 

I wrapped my arms around his waist and nuzzled my face into his chest, tears still falling out of my eyes. I felt his arms wrap around me and his face bury into my hair.

"I forgive you Peter. I'm sorry I got mad, I thought you hated me...I love you too Peter. I love you so much."

He pulled away from me and pulled off his mask, revealing his tear stained cheeks. Despite the tears there was a crooked grin on his face, the same grin that always made me smile, and this time was no different.

"I can't lose you Y/N, and I know this might be early, but will you be my girlfriend?" he rambled. I nodded my head and pulled him into another quick hug, before pulling away and cupping his cheeks. 

"Of course Pete." I simply stated, a smile dawning my face.

His face slowly grew closer to mine, and I felt his lips brush against mine. I slightly parted them, giving him the answer he wanted. Peter leaned in, closing the gap between us, gently connecting our lips. I melted into the kiss, reaching my hand up to run my hands through his curly brown locks, while he did the same to mine. We eventually parted for air, and a big grin adorned his cheeks, spreading from ear to ear. I giggled and nestled my head into his neck. He wrapped his arm securely around my waist.

"How about you stay with me tonight darling?" he whispered into my ear, careful not to be too loud as I was already half asleep. I slowly nodded my head and he shot out a web, swinging down to the fire escape that lead into his apartment. 

Peters P.O.V 

I gently crawled into my bedroom through the window and carried Y/N to the bed. I pulled the sheets back and gently set her down. I got out of my suit and pulled a shirt over my head, slowly climbing into bed next to her. I draped my arm around her, and she turned around to face me.

Your P.O.V

I felt Peters arm around my waist and I rolled around to face him, cuddling up closer to him and wrapping my arms around him. I layed my head onto his chest and let his heartbeat lull me to sleep. 


Hey, hoped you liked this one! It's a little more angsty than what I usually write, but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless! 

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