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(Time skip to reaching the Belmont household~)

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(Time skip to reaching the Belmont household~)

You were sitting next to sypha in the carriage, slightly swaying due to the carriages movments as the horses continue onward. Clicking of the horses hooves echoing against the pavement can be heard.
Trevor looks over at a large hollow twisted tree as the carriage passes it by.
Trevor ~
"That's my tree, I used to play in that tree.
We're nearly at the house.
"It's hard to imagine you playing.
Trevor ~
"Yeah. ...I suppose so. But it was everything, that tree. It was my house, and my boat, and my fort. Anything I wanted it to be."

The carriage soon reached belmonts home as the horses finally came to a stop.
Sypha and trevor go inside the old and partially destroyed home.
Alucard gets down from the back of the carriage and helps you down.
Alucard then follows sypha and trevor inside as well.

Sypha -
"...This was your home? "
"You grew up here?
Trevor ~
" I can't imagine what it was like to grow up in a single place."

As you enterd the belmont home you lightly touched the broken stairs and an old table that was missing a leg.
You listened as trevor spoke about his precious home. As you looked around alucard was standing a couple feet away from you wandering and looking around the Belmont home as well.

Alucard ~
" how old were you when your family home was taken?"

Trevor ~
"...13 ..fourteen somthing like that.
Maybe 12?
Is there a point to these questions ?"

Alucard ~
"I'm disturbed to find that I had more of a childhood than you did."

" And your dad's fucking Dracula."

All three of them chuckle as you were distracted.

You focused as you crouched, starting to touch piles of broken stone.
Your eyes wandered ,looking at the design's and broken pieces of statues.
You weren't really tuned in on thier conversation ,as your eyes were caught by the attention of a golden stone underneth broken peices of ruble and grey stone.
You then turn to look up at trevor and alucard.

" hey I think ive found somthing.."

Trevor blinks and walks closer to you.
Alucard crouches down next to you and helps you pull away broken stone peices.

Trevor ~
" I think this is it.."
Alucard ~
" your hidden entrance looks like a hearth stone"

You lean a bit on the ground and lightly touch the symbols and engravings of the stone.

" do we lift it or?.."
Alucard ~
"Thats odd..i dont seem to get any purchase on it.

" hmm..."
You look at the engravings as sypha looks down at the stone while lightly leaning next to you.

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