~✥Hectors Forge Chamber✥~

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Listen to Those With a Good Heart -Castlevania Mirror of Fate Arrangement- by Fantompr on #SoundCloud

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Please listen to this while reading if you can~🍷
Copy paste it within soundcloud to find it easier, then play it on repeat while reading ^^


After sypha left, you walked over to the small table where you had placed the satchel, opening it to retrieve the three books.
You took the small bag containing the keys and crystal shards.
Walking towards the bed ,you sat down with the objects to observe them.

You tried opening the books again, hoping maybe this time they would open.
But to no avail, they wouldn't budge, thier was something missing in order to open those books.
You sighed lightly brushing your fingers against the dark leatherd cover then set it beside you.
The small beautiful multicolored crystals caught your attention, watching as the shards glistened with the dim candlelight of the room.
  A shard for each book,but oddly enough there were seven shards in tottal.

Wondering why thier would be seven shards surley piqued your interest

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Wondering why thier would be seven shards surley piqued your interest. However, after a few minutes you decided to stop pondering over them for the time being, slipping them back into the small bag.
You softly let out a sigh wondering why you didn't feel fatigued or tired from the lack of sleep like sypha.


{Your point of view}

Y/n ~

Oh my goodness how am I not tired yet!!
Do I really still have adrenaline from all of todays events....

I placed my hands over my face, letting my body fall against the bed while gazing at the roof of the bed again.
I titled my face towards the window, gazing at the soft glow of the moon.
I sighed outloud again, thoughts wirling inside my head.

no wonder I dont feel tired ...my minds fired with so many questions.

What will alucard do now without his mother and father...surely staying within this castle wont be his sealed fate ..will it?

✥Wont alucard be lonely here?

Should I go with trevor and sypha?.

Sypha really wants me to join them...
...I wouldn't have to stay with them forever on thier journey..
ill eventually need to go back to my way of life of helping others.
I mean yes ...becoming a huntress with sypha and trevor is still helping, but its not the same as healing and tending to people with illnesses..

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