chapter 15

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Trying to keep on top of updating. Enjoy~


Rather than going back to his room for the night, Zim had opted to stay with Spork, much to the Taller's delight. After taking the time to replicate Zim some attire more comfortable to recharge in so the Smaller didn't have to trudge all the way to his own room, Spork took some time to tidy the space while Zim freshened up.

Spork's lekku perked every now and then at the sounds of Zim cleaning himself up and he tried not to let his imagination wander to what Zim's bare form would look like. Spork swallowed as he closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. It did little to calm him as the air was sweetened with Zim's fragrance as it had been the last several nights the Smaller had visited. It seemed even stronger now that Zim had slept in his bed.

The bed… The Taller scolded his impure thoughts. This night cycle is not going to be about that! This is about being there for Zim. I must be an anchor; not a letch! A brief flash of Zim's tear-stained face flooded his thoughts and Spork felt his chest lurch. Zim hadn't said much during their meal save that he felt guilty because Red had kissed him and he- in the heat of the moment- had returned it.

Spork couldn't be upset. He knew that Zim was experiencing everything for the first time. After being pushed aside so long, of course Zim was going to respond to such an intimate gesture. Not to mention that Red had been an object of Zim's attention for so long…

The Taller sighed as he eased back against the bed, his arms crossed under his head as he looked to the high ceiling, not really seeing it there. The deep pink color of the walls and ceiling did little save provide a background color as he thought back to the stubborn rival of Zim's affection.

He couldn't really be mad at Red either. Spork loathed the idea of Zim being hurt whether it was physical or emotional, but he knew Red's affection was genuine and the young pilot had only acted out of passion rather than a desire to hurt. Red was young and had no idea how to manage a stable relationship. Spork really wasn't all that surprised that he would express himself to Zim physically.

The door to the adjoining room opened and Zim stepped out, wearing the standard white attire for recharging. He gave the Taller a shy smile as he strode over to the bed and climbed in beside Spork, a dusting of blue across his cheeks.

"Is it really alright that I stay here? You won't be in trouble?"

Spork chuckled and moved to pull Zim to his side, the younger having to adjust and rest his head on Spork's chest. "No, there's little that a Taller can do that can merit punishment. And I believe Tallest Miyuki has come to expect it,"

Zim's lekku flew up at that. "What do you mean?"

"At the ceremony, she noticed how I paid special attention to you. She even allowed me to be here without special staff so that we could have more alone time to get to know one another,"

Zim's face turned purple with delight and he bit back his grin, hiding his face in Spork's chest. He fought the urge to laugh with joy. The Tallest herself approved of a Smaller and Taller being together! It was so unheard of! He couldn't help but be delighted that he was made to serve such wonderful leaders! Certainly Tallest Miyuki would be supportive whether Zim chose Spork or Red. Perhaps he could help his fellow Smallers finally be treated as equals. He could start something wonderful!

Zim nuzzled into Spork's chest further, closing his eyes as he took in the soft yet strong feel of Spork's bare chest. Without thinking, he ran his lips and the tips of his lekku over the bare skin, a sound coming from him that he had no control over.

Spork shivered and lay still as Zim moved against him. He let his own golden eyes flutter shut as the sparks darted under his skin. He smiled at the sound and feel of Zim enjoying himself. Zim was actually purring! Distantly, Spork wondered if Zim had ever purred before…


Skooge groaned as he rolled on the floor. Zim hadn't returned and while he was happy nothing in the room got destroyed, he was worried about his partner.

He was well aware that he wasn't anyone's favorite Irken. He was short, he was a sort of slob, he was always loud… But he appreciated Zim. He actually sort of looked up to him.

Zim was shorter than he was and yet the Smaller always strived to do his best and always spoke his mind. Skooge admired how his partner was always so passionate and driven in everything he did.

The stout Irken sighed. He didn't like seeing Zim so unhappy and hoped that the other would trust him enough at one point to tell him the whole story of what was really happening. Skooge had been so surprised finding out that Red was trying to court him! But what had happened to make Zim so distressed?

Maybe one day I'll know.


Purple blinked in the dark as he watched Red sleeping. He wondered if his partner was dreaming of the small Irken he'd grown so attached to or if the pilot had become so distressed that he didn't dream at all.

Rolling onto his back, the violet-eyed medic let his mind drift. He had his doubts that Red's plan would work, but it had been nice to entertain the idea of his partner and Zim ending up together. Irkens didn't really have families, but Red had become a sort of brother to Purple. And Purple...It was embarrassing, but he would sometimes daydream about he and Zim spending time together once Zim and Red were together. They would take the smeets on playdates, they would complain about Red's behavior, they would read and eat together….Zim would have been another extension of Purple's made-up family.

Purple willed his breathing to slow enough that he could rest. As he drifted off, his mind danced back to thoughts of Red and Zim as a couple, Zim being swollen in the belly with smeets. Purple fell asleep smiling.

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