Scene 3

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Fade in

Middle of the boxing club and ring - early afternoon

Axel and Raven make their way to the ring.



Sorry for the mess by the way had some built up anger.



What mess?

He makes his way around the ring to find two punching bags broken with a hole in the middle and sand everywhere.



You did this?!?!?!



(she said popping the p in the end)

He looks at her and sees she's now on the table beside the ring.


Now what are you doing on the table?


Getting into the ring dah.

(she said rolling her eyes)


Just take the...

He gets cut off by her jumping off the table doing a flip and landing in the ring, grabbing her stuff and jumping back off. He stood there with his mouth open.


You should close your mouth you're gonna catch flies.


(surprised, confused)

what... how did you... um?


(standing right up to him)

Now, promise me that you'll never underestimate or disrespect a girl again, if I hear that you underestimated or disrespected another girl again, you're gonna wish you never spoke.



How would you know?



You'll figure it out in 5 seconds



huh, but how...

Raven turns around and pulls her hair up into a ponytail. That's when he regrets everything he has said, there clearly is the golden rose tattoo, that symbolize the company that invests in all boxing clubs in the world. Only a select few are trusted with the golden rose tattoo it means you're in a very high rank.



Now keep my promise please

She leaves with a wink at the door

The end

Thanks for reading, im currently working on an actuall book that ive been working on for the past year. will probably start publishing during summer.  Thanks for. reading hope you liked it. (:

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