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Jackie's POV

It was just like any other day. I came home and they started shouting at me and throwing things at me.

But it all stopped when there was a knock on the door. I turn back to the door and open it.

"Hi I'm from Child Protective Services your neighbors reported the adults here to be abusing a girl by the name Jackie Davis." The man says.

"I'm Jackie." I mutter quietly.

"You'll be living in an orphanage for the time being." The man whispered as my mother came to the door.

I looked out the window as I always do in the mornings. Finally I got up and got ready for the day. I went down the stairs and ate breakfast.

"Are you going out again today?" Mimi asks sadly.

"Yes, it's not that I want to leave you it's just I want a family." I answer looking down.

"I understand." She says frowning.

I walk out and run into someone.

"I am so sorry." I say looking up at the man.

"No Im sorry, I'm Steve, Steve Rogers by the way." He says holding out his hand.

"Jackie Davis." I reply shaking his hand.

"Tell me about yourself." He says as we start walking down the street.

"Well when I was little my parents abused me. That was until the neighbors called CPS. I was taken to the orphanage when I live now." I say shrugging.

"How old are you?" He asks sadly.

"16." I state.

He nods and we say our good byes before I return to the orphanage.

Steve's POV

I get back to the tower and find everyone in the same place for once.

"Guys I met someone today." I exclaim happily.

"Are you actually gonna ask them out this time?" Tony jokes.

"Ew no. Her name is Jackie, she's 16 years old and she needs a home." I state smiling.

"What's so special about her?" Natasha asks raising a brow.

"I think we should adopt her." I reply quickly.

"No. Absolutely not." Tony rejects the idea immediately.

"Well I think it's a great idea. Unlike you Tony not all of us can have kids of our own this would be an amazing opportunity." Natasha says crossing her arms.

"Yeah and I'm a parent so I know what to do." Clint adds.

"I'm not sure I don't think she sould be around someone like me." Bruce says looking down.

"See I'm not alone!" Tony shouts.

"Oh come on it will be fun." Thor says.

"Ha four against two we win!" I shout sticking my tongue out.

Jackie's POV

I sat with Mimi in the dining room when six people walk in. I see Steve at the front.

To his left is a short red head girl with a hug smile on her face. To his right is a brunette man who looks to be explaining something.

In the back is a tall man with long dirty blonde hair who seems to be excited. To his left is a shorter brunette man who looks annoyed. Next to him is another brunette who looks worried.

They talk to Mimi for awhile before the redhead girl comes up to me.

"Hi I'm Natasha but you Can call me Tasha. We are gonna adopt you." She says smiling brightly.

You look at her in shock as the man who looked annoyed walks up.

"Hi I'm Tony Stark. Just stay out of my way." He says annoyed.

"I'm sorry but don't you think you should be nicer to me? I mean if what Tasha said is correct you are part of this as well." I say crossing my arms.

Tony rolls his eyes as the worried guy walks up.

"I'm Bruce Banner. Just don't make me angry." He says nervously.

I nod as the tall blonde guy walks up.

"Hello Lady Jackie I'm Thor Odinson God of Thunder." He says bowing.

I bite my lip to keep from laughing and nod. The last guy walks up.

"I'm Clint Barton. We are the Avengers." He says.

Time skip 2 days

"Tony!" I shout from the dining room.

"What?!" He shouts back.

"Why haven't you joined the rest of us for lunch?" I ask walking into his lab.

"Because I don't want to." He answers rolling his eyes.

"Come on I made pizza." I say pulling on his arm.

"I said no!" He shouts.

I flinch back and cover my face expecting him to hit me as I slowly back up. He looks up realizing what he did.

He stands to walk over to me but I run out of the lab and to my room.

"JARVIS don't let anyone come in my room or I swear I will disable you." I sob.

"Yes Miss Davis." JARVIS replies.

Adopted By The AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now