I Love You

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We arrive in America and everyone greets their families but I close my eyes knowing no one came for me.

"Jackie welcome home!" I hear a ton of people shout.

I open my eyes to see Natasha, Clint, Laura, Clint's kids, Bruce, Wanda, Bucky, Sam, and old Steve. I put a hand over my mouth to cover the sob as I run over and hug them all.

"H-how did you know?" I ask wiping my continuous tears.

"Peter told us." Wanda says smiling

"He also said you lied about something." Natasha says raising an eyebrow.

"Well I had no where to stay so I was staying with Peter. But I became really depressed and told him I talked with you and I was staying with you." I say really fast looking down.

"You what!!" They all shout.

"It doesn't matter right now." I say liking past them and watch as May greets Peter.

"I don't deserve him." I mutter.

"Jackie you deserve the world. You should have talked to us." Clint says hugging me.

I nod looking down at the ground again. I feel someone staring at me and look up to see Peter look away and blush.

"So where am I gonna stay?" I ask looking back at my family.

"With us of course." May says from behind me.

"Oh I didn't see you." I say hugging her.

"Peter told me everything." She says frowning.

I look at Peter Who's now next to me. I start to tear up as I jump into his arms hugging him.

"Thank you Peter." I say kissing his cheek.

I hear a camera click and jump to see May holding up her phone.

"Peter you take care of Jackie." Bucky says crossing his arms.

Peter nods and we both start blushing.

"You're father would be so proud of you." Sam says smiling.


"Ben Parker!!! Why did you have to get your fathers powers?!" I shout chasing after mine and Peters three year old son who is currently walking on the ceiling.

"I can get him down." Wanda and Pietro our six year old twins say from behind me.

They got my powers but they remind me so much of Wanda and Pietro. Wanda died not long after me and Peter got married. She had just retired and was engaged after finally moving on from Vision when she died from breast cancer.

"Your too young let me get him mom." Tony my ten year old son says.

Tony not only got my powers but he got Peter's too.

"None of you are going to get him I have this handled." I say angrily.

"Sis relax. Your pregnant this isn't good for the baby." Morgan says walking in.

Morgan is now twenty and attending a University nearby. She's staying here since it's closer then her old house. When Morgan moved out Pepper decided it was time to retire and move to a retirement home.

I took over Stark Industry's and gave the second best job to Peter. Of course Peter is taking my position while I'm stuck at home with all the kids and nine months pregnant.

We plan to name our newest addition to the family Steve. Yes we name all our children after important people who died.

"Jackie do you need any help?" May asks walking in with Happy.

They got married and moved in with us to help with the kids.

"No I've got this." I say glaring at them.

If you can't tell I'm not a happy person when I'm pregnant.

"Ben if you don't come here you don't get desert for a week!!!" I shout putting my hands on my hips.

Ben giggles just as Peter walks in.

"Peter control your child!!!" I shout.

"I thought you didn't want help." Wanda says innocently.

"Not from pesky little children." I state rolling my eyes.

Wanda bursts into tears and runs out with Pietro following her. I sit down on the couch as Peter gets Ben, Tony follows the twins, Morgan goes to her room, and May and Happy go out for dinner.

I burst into tears. Peter sits down with me setting Ben down.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" He asks rubbing my back.

"I'm a terrible mother. I should just leave the kids would be happier without a mother." I sob into Peter's shoulder.

"You aren't a terrible mother-" Peter starts but I cut him off when I grab his arm.

"What's wrong?!" He asks alarmed.

"My water broke." I say.

He takes me out to the car before going back in to get the kids. On the way there Morgan calls May.

My life isn't perfect but it's what I have. This is my happy ending.

The End.

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