Monsters of her own

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"Jackie open this door!" Steve shouts banging in the door.

"Jackie open this door!" Mom shouts hitting the door with a baseball bat.

"No!" I shout back.

"I'll break down this door!" She shouts.

I stay quiet and she breaks down the door before beating me with the bat.

"Don't hurt me." I sob curling up in the corner.

The window breaks open and someone lands on the floor. I let out a scream and JARVIS finally lets everyone in my room.

"It's gonna be okay sweetheart." Tasha says hugging me.

They all comfort me before getting serious.

"What happened?" Steve asked worried.

"I didn't mean to but Tony snapped and I thought about my family and I got scared and and and...." I ramble trying not to cry.

"YOU WHAT!" Bruce shouts his neck and arms turning green.

My eyes widen as he slowly turns into the Hulk. I stand walking over to him touching his arm.

"Bruce? You need to calm down, I'm fine he didn't know." I say softly.

He looks at me before running out of the room. I realize they are all dressed up. That's when I realize, I've been Adopt By The Avengers.

We all run after him. We split up and I find him outside ripping trees out of the ground.

"Bruce Banner you stop that right now! You aren't the only one with monsters! You need to realize you aren't alone, you need to realize that we are all here for you!" I shout.

"I am monster!" He replies.

"I'll help you, I promise I'll help you but you need to bring Bruce back!" I shout.

He slowly stumbles away out of sight. Steve starts walking to where he disappeared to with a change of clothes.

After awhile they both walk back well Bruce not the Hulk. Bruce refuses to make eye contact with me.

"I hate you." He whispers as he walks past.

Why does he hate me?

"I hate you!" My mother shouts slapping me.

"I wish you had never been born!" She shouts slapping me again.

"Yeah me too." I mutter under my breath.

I walk inside trying to get the memory out of my head. I walk in and see them all looking at me except Bruce.

"You shouldn't have adopted me. You should take me back. I don't deserve a family. I shouldn't have even been born." I say quietly.

Bruce's head snaps up.

"What?!" Tasha shouts.

"You heard me, I don't belong here." I say closing my eyes before they start glowing.

"Look at me Jackie." Clint says.

I shake my head.

"Lady Jackie Why would you think that?" Thor asks.

"Because it's true." I say sticking my hands in my pockets trying to control my powers.

"No it's not." Tony says.

My eyes snap open and I look at Tony. They all look at my eyes and step back worried.

"Can't you see I'm a freak?!" I shout a tear rolling down my cheek.

Adopted By The AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now