Who are you with

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(Btw ima start putting random songs with Avengers scenes at the top and the same one at the bottom in case it doesn't load and you want to watch it.)

"Come with me." Tony says crossing his arms.

"No come with me." Steve says glaring at Tony.

"Look I'm glad you guys adopted me but I'm not picking sides I'm just gonna live somewhere in New York, you know how to find me." I say holding up my phone before leaving.

I drive to Queens, New York. I see that spiderling dude on a rooftop near by. I go up and stand behind him.

"So spiderling whatcha doin?" I ask.

He turns around and looks at me shocked.

"It's Spider-Man." He says.

"Okay, whatcha doin?" I ask again.

"Uhm waiting for crime." He says.

"Oh yes I've heard of you, the friendly neighborhood spiderling." I say smirking.

"Spider-Man." He corrects.

"What are you thirteen? I don't think you're a man more like spider boy." I say crossing my arms.

"I'm 15." He says looking down.

"Right." I say rolling my eyes.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"Jackie Davis daughter of the Avengers." I say.

"What?" He asks.

"Well they changed my name to Jackie Rogers-Stark-Romanoff-Banner-Barton-Thordottir But the name I tell everyone is Jackie Davis." I say shrugging.

"That's so cool." He says.

I nod looking out at the city.

"Wait so what are you doing here?" He asks confused.

"Well my family is split up and I'm not choosing between family so I left." I say shrugging.

"Where are you gonna stay?" He asks confused.

"I don't know, Tony will probably buy me a place." I say shrugging.

He nods as my phone rings.

"I got to take this it's my mom." I say answering the phone.

Now I bet your wondering why I'm calling Tasha my mom, I'm not. I saved my biological mothers number to my phone but I have no idea how she got my number.

Mom:Hi sweetheart.

Me:What do you want?

Mom:Can't I just call because I love you?

Me:You made it very clear that you don't love me.

Mom:That's true but I love your little sister.

Me:She's been kidnapped by HYDRA.

Mom:Yes but they said they would trade.

Me:Trade what?

Mom:Her for you.

Me:Where do I have to go?

Mom:Meet me at my house in ten minutes.


I hang up only to realize that spider boy is gone. I shrug before making my way to the place I was taken from.

I knock on the door and mom answers pulling me inside. I see a HYDRA guard and my little sister.

Adopted By The AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now