Going to Wakanda

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We did end up going to Wakanda but not because they heard me say it. We arrive and I roll my eyes as Bruce bows.

I walk past the team as we are lead into the building. There is a lot of explaining going on before Wanda is told to stay here.

I can't do this. They expect me to possibly kill him and I can't.(Wanda)

I feel terrible but this is the only way.(Steve)

I really wish Clint was here.(Natasha)

I feel like a fool. I can't even turn into hulk.(Bruce)

Let's get this over with.(Rhodes)

They won't see this coming.(Pietro)

I close my eyes to stop reading the minds of everyone I look at. We go outside and I stand next to Black Panther, Nat, and Steve.

They go and talk to some lady before coming back.

This won't be easy.(Blue lady on other side)

They open the force field thingy and we run at the attackers. I run straight to the blue lady.

"You're right, this won't be easy." I say snapping my fingers.

At least twenty of the dog things catch on fire behind her.

What the, how did she do that?(Blue Lady)

"I'm just that good." I say when these wheels come out of no where.

I watch terrified as one runs into Pietro. I see Wanda fall in the distance lifting the wheels before dropping them on the dog things.

"How do you do it?" I ask looking back at the blue lady.

"Do what?" She asks.

"Kill all these people. You would have killed Vision and possibly Wanda. And now your here not caring who dies just so you can go kill one person." I say.

"See the difference between you and me is that I don't care." She says before running to me.

Before I can put my hands up and create a field she knocks me down. A bunch of the dog things pile I tip of me scratching me.

"I could really use some backup." I struggle to say through the com.

Not hearing anything I figure I've been disconnected when all the dog things fly off of me. I look up to see Wanda standing above me.

"Someone get to Vision." Steve says.

I nod to Wanda who leaves to get to Vision while I start fighting again. A bolt of lightning comes out of no where hitting tons of dog things.

I look over to see Thor, a walking tree, and a raccoon with a gun.

"Bring me to Thanos!" Thor shots continuing the fight.

We move to the trees where we meet up with Wanda, Vision, Steve, And Bruce. A portal shows up out of no where and Thanos steps through.

Looking through the portal I see Tony and Peter with a ton of people I don't recognize. I stay in front of Wanda who has started destroying the mind stone in Vision's head.

Thanos gets through the rest of the Avengers and I put up both my hands blocking him. I feel myself getting weak quick.

Wanda successfully destroys the stone and I fall to the ground with her when Thanos turns his hand making time go back before he rips the stone from Visions head.

He adds it to the gauntlet and waits letting himself adjust before snapping his fingers and leaving.

Using the strength I have left I stand up. I look at Wanda who is crying over Vision when all of the sudden she starts fading away.

I turn around to see others fading too. I look at who is left to see Steve, Nat, Thor, the raccoon, and a few others that I'm not familiar with.

"We lost." I mutter not believing it.

We return to New York to see the city isn't in great shape. I look around to see deserted streets.

I walk into a house.

"Hello?" I say.

"Do you know where my mommy is?" A little girl asks from next to me.

I look down.

"Your mommy went away for awhile. She sent me here to come take care of you." I say wiping my eyes.

I pick the girl up and walk back outside to see adults walking out of their houses. I see kids crying on the front porches.

"You failed and it cost us our loved ones!" People start shouting.

"Enough!" I shout after a couple of minutes.

"I get it, you all lost someone today. Maybe it was a parent, a sibling, a child, or maybe it was a friend. But so did we. We fought with everything we had losing multiple people." I say after they all calm down.

"I lost a friend, a sister, a father figure, and probably more but I'm still here. I'm gonna do whatever I can to bring them back but I won't be making any promises." I say.

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