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I look at the ceiling feeling alone. Tony is gone. He was one of my many father figures and I let him die. I even skipped his funeral because I couldn't take it.

I jump off the bunk and walk into the bathroom I look at myself in the mirror hating the person I see. I walk to the kitchen and pull out a knife cutting my arms until I feel at peace with myself again.


I walk into the school and see Peter and Ned talking with MJ. I see the decathlon team and walk over to them pulling down my sleeves.

I lean against some lockers my hands shaking. I walk to my older locker and open it grabbing a pencil sharpener. I break it apart and take out the blade before going to the bathroom.

I make cuts on my arms before cleaning my new wounds and throwing away the blade. I walk out and bump into Peter.

"Oh h-hey J-Jackie." He stutters blushing.

"Hi." I say plastering on a fake smile.

He's embarrassed. Why is he embarrassed? He must be embarrassed to be seen with me.

"Hey I need to go and I talked to Nat I'm gonna go live with her." I say smiling before walking away.


I get on the plane and sit down next to the window. MJ sits down next to me and pulls out a book.

"Hey uhm MJ Peter has an allergy to the perfume the lady in front of us is wearing and he was wondering if you would switch seats with him." Ned says walking over her.

"Wait Peter has an allergy?" The chaperon asks.

He ten moves a bunch of people around and I end up sitting next to Brad. He asks if I want to watch a movie with him.

"No I'm good." I say.

"Oh would you like something to eat or drink?" He asks.

"No I'm good." I say.

"Would you like to-" He starts but I cut him off.

"Brad. When I look at you I will always see the little boy who is five years younger then me. I don't care if you like me I don't like you or anyone for that matter." I say standing up and throwing my hands in the air.

My sleeve falls down a little and Brad stares at my wrist.

"Jackie do you cut?" He asks.

I put my hands down and pull down my sleeves.

"No." I say avoiding eye contact.

"Then why do you keep pulling your sleeves down?" He asks.

"I'm cold." I say before grabbing my little bag that has some blades I managed to get onto the plane in it and go to the bathroom.

Peter opens the door and closes it again. After awhile I get tired of waiting and go sit back down. Brad gets up and leaves.

I pull out a blade and start cutting myself before putting the blade back in my bag and cleaning the wounds. I then pull my sleeves down and look out the window.


We arrive at our hotel and I look at it in disgust. I go to my room which I'm sharing with MJ.

I plop onto the bed and scream into a pillow. After a few minutes of screaming into the pillow I walk down the stairs not realizing the tears streaming down my face.

"Were you crying?" Brad asks walking up to me.

"No why?" I ask confused.

"Because there are tears streaming down your face." He says crossing his arms.

I put my hands to my face and wipe away the tears. We leave and go to a museum that isn't open yet. We decide to walk around a bit when a water guy shows up out of no where.

I the class leaves and Peter gets hit by water. I use my powers on the thing and it seems to glitch for a second. I stand there confused until it shoots water at me making me fly off the bridge and into the water.

Why didn't I agree to take those swimming lessons? Oh right because I hate being in the water with nothing under me.

I try to keep my head above the water but slowly start sinking. I feel someone's arms around my waist until I'm lifted into the air.

I turn to see Peter. He sets me down before following some mysterious guy and the water thing. I lay on the ground coughing up water until everything goes black.


I wake up to see Nick Fury, Maria Hill, some random guy, and the mysterious guy from earlier.

"Great. Let me guess you're gonna ask me and Peter to help this man save the world from some weird creatures?" I ask crossing my arms.

It turned out I was right. And Peter agreed so I agreed. The field trip moved with shield no doubt because of Fury.

I see Peter open a glasses case and I recognize the glasses as my fathers. I turn away from Peter trying not to cry.

We stop and Peter goes to get a new suit so he won't be recognized. The deal was Im backup. I make sure Peter doesn't get hurt.

I don't want to use my powers if I don't have to. Tony's death hurt, a lot and I'm still trying to recover.

I get back on the bus and lean on the window trying not to cry. Brad sits next to me and pulls out his phone trying to show me something.

"Look Brad I really don't care about anything that has anything to do with you." I say.

Peter says something about goats and everyone looks as Peter jumps up and destroys something before jumping down.

"You missed them." Peter says sitting back down.

We arrive to where we're staying and get ready to go to some neon thing even though they are going to the opera and me and Peter are going to go save the world again.

I'm tired of being a superhero though. I don't want to do it anymore. The people who made me want to help others aren't around anymore.

Steve is dying. Tony is dead. Clint has a family of his own. Bruce has his own thing going on. Thor is who knows where doing who knows what. And Natasha is trying to get the life she deserves.

Maybe instead of going back with everyone I'll stay here. I'll change my look and my identity. I'll become someone else.

But I couldn't do that to Peter. Peter is taking Tony's funeral really hard. I watch as the Ferris wheel falls a little and the people on it start screaming.

I'm about to help them when I see something fly over to me. I pick it up and throw it in my bag to look at it later.

We get back to the hotel and I find Peter.

"Peter I need to talk to you." I say.

"I need to talk to you too." He says nervously.

We go out to a bridge.

"Jackie I like you." He blurts.

I drop my bag and the thing from earlier falls out and goes of putting a projection in the air.

I look at Peter and nod as he leaves. I'll just leave him a note I guess.

I get back to the hotel and grab a piece of paper.

Please know this isn't your fault. I've been depressed ever since Tony died. I lied, I never talked to Nat I just didn't want to be a burden. I lie, I fake smiles and laughs, and I cut. I should have talked to someone but I couldn't bring myself to. This isn't a Hey I'm gonna kill myself goodbye letter no this is a Hey I'm running away letter. Goodbye Peter, I love you.

I set the letter in his suitcase before going to my room and grab some things. I look around one last time before leaving.

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