Ch. 9

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The next morning was busy. Naomi, and Yui played with cards. ShaKi and Lyn went to the district to get food and supplies. Naomi slammed her card down. "Final card! I'm out!" Yui groaned, "Man... I was so close..." Naomi rubbed her head, "Close...? You have at least twenty cards left." Yui crossed her arms and turned her head and puckered her lips. "Shut up..." They laughed and heard the door open, "You two are having fun. Are you doing well, Naomi?" She turned and it was Lyn and ShaKi holding bags. Naomi nodded and Yui got up and helped them. Lyn brought over Naomi's favorite snack, a box of Pocky. "Thank you Lyn..." She smiled and nodded. Naomi watched her walk bag to the bags as she opened the package and placed one in her mouth. Naomi sighed as she watched the others place things on the table. Yui noticed and walked over to her and sat in the chair beside the tiny table next to her bed. "Mew okay..?" Yui asked. Naomi smiled a bit and nodded.

Lyn began fixing lunch, it was around 12 by the way the sun hits the window. The Inn was old school didn't have any or no clocks in the building, it was a little old building, nothing much. Lyn was singing and Yui was messing around with a fish toy. Naomi was reading a book, ShaKi was messing around with her magic a bit. Lyn began washing up and yelled, "Time to eat!" ShaKi got up and moved the table with magic and placed it beside Naomi's bed, she was a bit shocked, "You didn't have to.." ShaKi shook her head, "We want to include you because you can't get out of bed," she smiled. Naomi sighed and ate her third Pocky. Lyn placed the food on the table, it was a turkey with side dishes: mashed potatoes, some stuffing, and cranberries. Lyn sat and began making plates, "Since we missed. Thanksgiving, I got the food for it, ShaKi and I thought it would fill everyone up and have extra.." Yui sat at the table with a big grin," Ooooh! Such tasty food! Naomi always gave me some Turkey!" Naomi laughed a bit," You ate so much your stomach hit the floor and you had trouble walking." The others laugh, including Yui. Lyn passed the plates around and everyone dug in. After they ate, Yui slumped over the table and groaned, "I ate... too much..." she burped after she said that. Naomi giggled, "That's what you get, you crazy kitty...." Yui smiled. ShaKi got up and stretch, "That was good, time for a good nap..." She yawned and laid on her bed and began dozing off. Yui sat at the little table beside Naomi's bed. "Round 2!" Naomi nodded, "Good luck!" After a few more hours, Naomi got out of bed and began stretching. Lyn ran over when she noticed, "Hey! Don't get up! you're no-" "I'm healed..." Lyn looked dumbfounded, "You mean..?" Naomi lifted her shirt to her stomach and lifted up the bandage. No injuries, the holes left from the beast was gone. Lyn sighed and rubbed her head, "Your body has the magic to regenerate certain injuries. But it takes time though, which doesn't mean its very reliable at certain circumstances..." Naomi agreed, and she walked around stretching. (It feels like I just got up from a long nap... Man I'm stiff...) Naomi began stretching her arms and back.

Yui was moving back and forth in her chair while sleeping, then woke up. "Naomi...?" She saw her stretching and got up and walked over towards Naomi. "Buddy...? Why are you moving..?" She said swaying back and forth in a sleepy state. Naomi walked over and patted her on the head, then she fell onto Naomi and dozed back off. Naomi picked her up and walked over towards her bed and placed her on it. She cuddled with the blanket and dozed off. Naomi crossed her arms and sighed. Lyn sat at the table and began looking into the bags. "So... Since you are up and able to move what do you ant to do first??" Lyn questioned. Naomi looked towards the window, "I'll go out side and stretch... I need to practice getting my wings stronger, if I have them might as well use them... They could be very useful during a fight or escaping a bad situation..." Lyn agreed. Naomi walked towards the door and looked at the jacket hanging up. (Nick...) Naomi looked down at her clothes, a tank top and a skirt. (He liked this outfit, always called me cute in it..) Naomi blushed a bit when thinking about it. Lyn noticed, "I wanted to ask a long time ago, who's jacket? It looked big on your shoulder, more fit for a guy..." Naomi sighed amd smiled a bit, "It's Nick's. He let me have it when he got a new one... It somewhat still smells like him... It makes me feel better when it's close to me..." Lyn smiled when Naomi looked at her, "He loved you dearly... That's why he let you live, understand...? He wanted you to get out because you had a future... That love made him save you, he knew he was dead and couldn't return..." Lyn said and got up and hugged her. Naomi smiled and hugged her back, "I know he wanted me to go on... I understand completely... But I just want to be able to bring him back..." They stopped hugging and Lyn placed her hand on her shoulder. "You know it's impossible, I want you to be happy, AI know that will make you smile to no end... Magic won't be able to do that..." Naomi nodded and sighed. She grabbed the jacket and placed it on her shoulders. They said goodbye and Naomi went out of their room and went out the first floor exit. Naomi breathed in the fresh air. She exhaled feeling all the sadness escape.

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