Chapter 4: Fix a Heart

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Justin's POV:

"We're gonna have a nice long talk this weekend Jaz," I said, gritting my teeth, "Better get ready for it."

And with that I walked straight out of the room, leaving the two lovebirds to do anything they wanted. Normally, I wouldn't have objected to my sister dating my best mate, but not after he had dumped his ex, my crush, after saying he suspected I had something more than a friendship with her. Yeah, it was crazy stuff.

I found the whole thing absolutely ridiculous and outraging. Definitely not something I'd have expected from Chaz. That whole scene back in the room had been, simply horrible.

"Selena, wait!" I had tried to say, my voice cracking.

But of course, she wasn't gonna wait for me. Why would she? She probably hated me right now and always will. It's not even her fault.

I had turned back to look at Chaz and my sister. Yes, Jazzy is my sister. It's sort of a long story, but I'll tell you anyway.

Our parents divorced when I was around nine. Jazzy was the same age as me, we're twins. So even though we've lived apart for years, we still have a connection.

I'd never really understood what their argument had been about, but yeah, it must have been very intense. I was too young to understand then anyway, but those few days when they were arguing was like hell for me.

I had never seen them like that. Never had my dad yelled at me that much...


I snuck upto the room, my parents room. The screaming had started again. And I was never one to control my curiosity, but this was more than that. I couldn't bear to see my parents like this.

I slowly opened the door and walked inside, inviting glares from both my parents. Jazzy was at her friends house for a sleepover, so I had had nothing to do except play video games. That's when I'd heard them.

"Justin, mom and dad are talking. Do not disturb us." my mom said, slowly but sternly. I shook my head, clearly not wanting to go.

"Justin, you are not needed in this conversation. Go back to what you were doing." my dad said sharply.

This time my legs wobbled a bit, but I still stood firm. "Not until you tell me what happened."

"Justin, honey-" my mom started, but it was overshadowed by my dad.

"JUSTIN I SAID LEAVE THE ROOM. GET OUT. NOW!" He rose from where he was sitting in the chair and loomed over me for the few seconds before I ran outside. I had never seen him like this, and it scared me. Maybe that's why they did break up.


I had to move with my mom, while my dad took Jaz away from me. It really hasn't made sense that time. I would cry about it, believe it or not. We used to fight all the time, but hey, she's still my sister. And now, she sat in front of me, with my best friend, acting like I wasn't in the room at all.

How wonderful, I thought. Walking, or rather, rushing down the stairs, I wove my way in and out of classes, trying to use up the little time left in lunch to find Selena. She was nowhere in sight. It'd hurt her too much, I'd hurt her too much. The thought of that was enough to bring me close to tears.

The school bell rang loudly and I realized I had an important class. Through my watery eyes, I ran to my locker and got my stuff for science class. I think Selena was gonna be there too, or at least, I hoped so. I wiped my eyes and walked to the assigned class, only to find Selena at the only single-person table in class. Great, now there was no way I was gonna be able to talk to her.

Ma'am rattled off half a hundred names of organisms that live in the sea but I couldn't care less. The only thing I wanted was Selena's attention so I could talk things out with her. I even tried throwing an eraser at her again, but she didn't react. I would feel better if she told me she hated me, but not noticing me and not talking? This was gonna kill me.


"Yo Justin!" I heard someone say. School had wrapped up and we were all going back home. And mine was close enough to walk to. I turned around to see Ryan. I guess he was my next best bud, or best bud, now. "Wazzap dude?"

Count on him to not see that your pissed as hell and act like it's Christmas all the time. But whatever, he got the frown off my face.

"Aye dude," I replied, putting on an unsure smile, "Uh...nothing really."

His face fell slightly. I guess he knew there was something wrong, but he didn't know anything about it yet, I didn't think so.

"Something bad happened?" he said, this time seriously.

I did a weird half-head-shake half-nod thing. He looked at me weirdly. I finally gave in, telling Ryan won't be a bad idea. He's a good guy and I trust him.

"Oh, alright." I said grumpily, and started the entire story, including my feelings. I'd never told anyone about this before, though I always wondered, did I make them that obvious? It would definitely be news if I liked someone, anyone. Being on the top gang in school has its disadvantages.

Ryan dragged me along a path that was faintly familiar. I was wondering where exactly we were going, when it struck me. Selena's silver Ford came into view, signalling it was too late to turn back. Especially with her driving in from the other side.

"Go talk to her, mate," he said, shoving me onto the road. "She needs you."

I gulped, starting to get nervous. But then I realized, I had to this. We had to clear things up. I gathered every ounce of courage left in me to walk across that street. And believe me, I needed every bit of it.

I watched Selena get out of the car, she seemed very low. That gorgeous smile on her face was missing, and I would do anything to bring it back.

"Er...what-?" Selena said, nearly bumping into me. She looked up, and her eyes narrowed. "Oh, look who's here."

I held my heart together and replied curtly, "I came to talk."

"I don't want to talk. Not to you anyway." she said pushing past me, with hurt evident in her voice."Take your eraser."

"Sel please," I started catching the eraser she'd thrown at me, but was cut short. Selena turned around and sighed. "Please Justin, don't call me that."

"What? I always call you that, what's wrong with you?" I shot back. Seriously? I scolded myself, She's just broken up with her boyfriend and thinks you were involved and you say 'what's wrong with you?'

She started moving backwards, towards her house, and I followed her. Tears started forming in her eyes and I immediately regretted my words.

"I'm sorry Sel-Selena," I said slowly, taking a step forward, "I just wanna work things out, please?"

"There is n-nothing left t-to work o-out now J-Justin." saying so she let her tears come streaming down her face. My heart fell seeing her like this. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around her, expecting her to push me away. But instead, she just collapsed into my embrace, burying her face in my chest and slowly sinking to the ground.

I kneeled down beside her, still holding her tightly, comforting her with soft words. She hiccuped a few times and soon fell silent. I looked down at her, about to say something but realized she had fallen asleep. Poor girl must have been very tired. I gathered her into my arms and carried her inside her house.

At least I knew I was someone she could trust enough to be free with. Or maybe she was just too hurt to care who she was with. But still, I felt like the problem was one step closer to being fixed.


Sooooo, I told you it would be intense. I really don't know where that came from. This took me time to write, I was getting emotional myself lol. Anyway, please leave your thoughts and feedback on this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2012 ⏰

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