This can't be happening

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I'm an assassin. I've gone through intense espionage training. Nothing was impossible... Until i had to take in my niece and raise her.

I climbed up the side of the ship after sending my little sub back down to the bottom of the ocean. Peaking over the edge I saw no one. I quickly got up and over the edge hiding behind a stack of crates. I listened intently but there wasn't a sound besides the waves lapping up against the ship. 'Where is everyone?' I thought. I came out of my hiding spot and inched closer to my target, hiding behind various things on my way. Finally there it was right in front of me. I had searched for months and now I could finally get it. I reached out and grabbed part of the rope. As carefully as I could I pulled, slowly and steadily. Then I could see the end. A shinny piece of metal was carelessly tied on. I grabbed on and just as I did the rope was yanked from my hand. The piece of metal, still attached, cut a deep stripe across the left palm of my hand. I clenched my fist shut and charged at the person who had pulled it.

He easily pinned me, even as I used all the skills I learned. "Woah" he said. "Calm down."

"Let me go." I said with a strong voice. He just smiled at my weakness. I kept struggling, until he put his full strength into keeping me down, then I couldn't move at all.

"Why did you want this?" he asked holding up the metal piece. I didn't answer. A spotlight turned on and we quickly got up to hide from it.

"Why do you want it?" I whispered. The spotlight lit up a big puddle of water which reflected the light on his face. I have to admit he was pretty good looking, and his wet shirt clung to his six pack. Of course I knew he had to be ripped, anyone else wouldn't have been able to beat me. I just wasn't expecting him to be so good looking. I don't know why but it made me even more mad at him. The light moved off the puddle seconds later and he answered me.

"You first" he whispered back.

"It couldn't possibly be more important than my reason."

"Which is....?" just then the spotlight turned off and I took the chance to grab at the disk while his eyes adjusted. He was faster and moved his hand just out of my reach. I lunged forward again and he caught my arm, holding me close...too close. "awe did I do this to you?" he saw my palm.

"Yes!" I pulled away and took a good three steps away from him "You did."

"Sorry" he said annoyed. There was no way I could get it from him, and if I stayed he would get control of me again, butI needed it, and I was going to do whatever it took to get it. The ship jolted to a start and I slammed into him knocking him up against a wall, we couldn't move for awhile because of the momentum. I had one hand on his chest. The other, still clenched in a fist was pushing the wall trying to help get me away from him. He smiled down at me, amused at my annoyance of the situation. Once I could feel the force of the momentum lessen I pushed away from him. 'well that was awkward' I thought.

The only way I was going to get it from him was if he was distracted. I started making a plan, but most of it would have to be improv. I attacked, trying to find a kink or weakness. None. Great. We got to the front of the ship and he was getting the upper hand. I heard a piercing scream as I fell over the edge, my scream. I splashed into the frezing water and the ship flew past me. I grabbed onto the ladder as it passed and climbed up aways. Before he could run over and see if I had caught back onto the ship I ducked under an outcrop next to the ladder. I struggled to keep my balance and hold onto the sides. The water wasnt helping. I stayed there for a minute then I crept up the ladder and peaked over the edge once again. I hid and took a couple minutes to catch my breath. He didn't know I was still here and I needed to use it to my full advantage. I could hear him gathering his things. I looked out from my hideout to see what he did with the disk. He didnt put it in his backpack. He held onto it, which was pretty stupid because it would be so much eaisier to steal, but then again he didn't know I was still here. Then he left his backpack and the disk on a crate and walked to the edge of the ship. Was he seriously going to pee? With lightning speed I sprinted over to the backpack and just as I picked up the disk he gabbed my hand.

"I knew you were still here." He said, like it just a good guess. He flashed a smile at me, glad to know his prediction was right.

"Ugh." I said as he forced the disk back out of my hand, cutting my palm a second time. I pushed away from him and saw that he was looking me up and down, trying to figure out why I needed it. The ship went over some choppy waves and I almost lost my balance.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" He whispered back. I didn't respond, I pushed him back behind the wall and crouched. It was so easy. For a second I didn't understand how I got the jump on him. Then I realized that he was expecting an attack move not a protective one.

"Someone else is here." He stood up exposing himself. "Get down!" I said as I grabbed his hand and pulled.

"Dont worry about it. He's with me." He got up and walked around to the other side. Great with two of these guys I can plan all I want but it'll never work. This was it. There was no way to get that disk and I had to give up. I ran over to the ladder and started climbing down, I wasn't going to hit that concrete water again. Pain erupted on my hand, I looked up to see his boot crushing down on my cuts. "Give me your other hand and I'll pull you up." I didn't give him my hand and the pain worsened. "Listen I don't want you to loose a hand." I still didn't give it to him. "Fine we can do this the hard way. Jason." he called the other guy.

Jason came over with a syringe. I didn't have time to think of what it was before he jabbed it in my shoulder. I went limp and he grabbed my arm before stepping off of it. My eyes closed but I could feel myself being lifted into strong arms. My head rested on his shoulder as I passed out completely.

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