Ch. 23

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Cornwall was mad when I declined yet another mission. He now knew about the help I was giving at the gym and supported me with a fake smile.

"Yes, I do think it's important to train the agents well. But you are still my best and I want you in the field Alice."

"Just let me stay with these guys for another week. Constant training has been good for them."

"Three days."

I had never tried compromising with Cornwall but I needed more time. Phoenix wouldn't be back in three days. "Five, and then I'll go on any mission you assign me."

Cornwall frowned. "You always go on any mission I assign you. What makes that a bargain unless you intend to refuse future missions?"

I had slipped up but I didn't let it show, and I turned it in my favor. "Normally I would never refuse a mission, I love your mission's Cornwall. It's just a matter of training time, if it was a long mission, I'd like to prepare my class with a lot of advice before I go."

"The mission I have for you will take two days. One if you push yourself." Cornwall said matter-of-factly, watching for my reaction.


"Is there something you want to tell me Alice? Are you my agent or are you with Phoenix?" He asked with an unsettling calm.

"I'm your's Cornwall! I'm your's, but..."


"Tristan and I-"

"Tristan." Cornwall said with judgement.

"Five days, that's all I'm asking for."

Cornwall stood and walked around the room, this is what he always did to regain the authority and power in a situation. "Alice, that's not all you're asking for. This won't be the only time you ask for more time, or refuse a mission." He stopped right in front of me and looked down at me. He checked his watch and then said. "Four days." He grabbed the file for the mission. "Alice I didn't want to push you into anything, but I think you're stalling. For some reason you don't feel comfortable going on a mission yet, but I'm telling you, you'll do fine. Just trust your instincts and get back into it."

He gave me the file and then sent me out to familiarize myself with it.

Tristan met me a few hours later. I was needed to watch an interrogation on the other side of the two way mirror. He walked in just when the interrogation was getting heated. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed me on the cheek. I put my hands over his and noticed a ring with an insignia on it. "We need to talk soon." I whispered.

"Okay." He whispered back.

He stayed there with me until the interrogation was over. The man they were questioning gave up the location of the drug cartel's prison. "Finally. I could have done that three times as fast." I said as we walked out together hand in hand.

Tristan smiled. "I bet you could."

"I've got four days before I head out on a mission." I said plainly although there was so much more that it meant.

Tristan squeezed my hand and it was so much more comforting than I ever though such a small gesture could be. "Alright. Lets make the most of it before you go." He pretended it was no big deal, but we both knew that we had to speed everything up. "Hey, why don't you meet me right here at seven for dinner. Wear something nice."

"How nice?"

"White tie." Tristan says and I can't help but smile along with him. I couldn't imagine him all dressed up like that, come to think of it, I actually could. My smile widened.

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