Chapter 67

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Chapter 67:

"I have work tomorrow." Harry tells me as he stretches his arms above his head and his voice strains with exhaustion.

We arrived back at his apartment around an hour ago and all we have managed to do is change out of our dress clothes and make out a little.

"Can you cancel?" I plead, knowing he can't but I tease him anyways as I flutter my lashes and reach out towards his hand pulling him to me as he strides across the room.

"You know I can't." He whispers kissing my knuckles.

My eyes close, focusing on the feeling of his soft lips against my skin. His lips are small, barely sucking on my skin as he presses small kisses on individual knuckles slowly before he surprises me by pulling me off of the couch and into his arms. One of his arms is around my shoulders, the other around my lower back.

I lay my head on his chest, closing my eyes once again as I focus on on his warmth, smell, and just the feeling of him being here.

We sway softly with each other held in our arms and Harry begins humming softly.

"It's not fair you tease me like this and then have to go into work tomorrow morning." I whisper as I lift my gaze up to him and he leans his head back looking at me. His long hair is parted and my fingers find their way to the nape of his neck as I lace my fingers through the curls softly.

"It's not fair that you tease me with your touch either." He smirks.

"How did we end up here?" I ask him, staring directly at his pupils.

"I thought we've been over this before? You took a plane." He smiles.

"Harry. I'm serious. You know what I mean."

"I don't know." He shrugs. "Fate. By chance. The world may never know, all that matters is, now."

I close my eyes laying my head back on his chest as I nod.

I feel his lips press into the top of my head before he rests his chin on my skull.

"Are you tired?" He asks.

"Mmhmm." I mumble, already feeling myself dozing off in his arms.

With a quick movement, Harry dips below me and takes my legs in his arms yet I don't even flinch as I stay relaxed with my head now on his shoulder as he carries me down a hallway and in through a door on the left.

I am set gently into a soft mattress of cool sheets and am covered with a thick duvet. The side next to me dips and I am soon shifted closer to Harry with my back against his chest. One arm is draped over my stomach, his other above my head. His lips press soft kisses to the spot just below my hair line and he leans his head against mine.

"Bri? You awake?"

I am, I want to say, but my exhaustion is so overwhelming, I don't answer.

"Well, even if you aren't, I guess I'll talk to myself."

I find myself a little more alert now as I listen to him in the darkness of the room.

"When you asked me earlier, how we ended up here, I didn't have an answer. Now, though, I think I've figured it out."

I want to turn around and look at him, but if I do, he may stop talking.

"We ended up here, because of what people say. People say, that when you love someone, you let them go. Do you realize how many times we've let each other go? A lot. They also say, that of its meant to be, they will come back. Bri, look how many times we have came back to each other. Again I say, a lot, even if we didn't want to be together, we were always put together in some way. When we first met, we were stupid, crazy, young teenagers. I mean, now, we're probably still stupid and crazy, and just slightly older, but, being with you, is something I never felt being with Becca. Being with you, I am able to be myself, I am able to open up to you because I know you will listen and I know you'll be there because both of us, both of us have such a darkened past that no one understands except each other. I know you're probably asleep and can't hear any of this, but, right now, I'm absolutely sure of what I'm doing and I'm scared if I don't say all I want to right now, I won't get the chance to. I don't know how we ended up together, I don't know how we will end up apart, but what I do know, is that right now, at this very moment, I am positive, that I want to spend every single moment I have left in my life with you, no matter how old we are, no matter how stupid, no matter what trouble we get into, no matter what, I don't want to be apart from you anymore."

My heart swells within my chest and I am moments away from choking on my sobs and tears of pure happiness. My lip trembles as the smile grows across my face.

I open my mouth slightly, taking in a breath.

"Okay." I breathe out, my voice cracking.

Harry's hand grasps mine beneath the duvet and he holds me closer until I feel as if we are practically one person.

That night, for the first time in a while, I fell asleep with a wide smile on my face and I slept the whole night through.


Sure enough when I wake the next morning the other side of the bed is empty and cold from Harrys absence. I look at the clock.

It's ten.

I roll over, taking up the entirety of the bed as I stretch out.

I reminisce the words that Harry shared last night and my clichè smile returns again as I stretch out.

The bubbly feeling in my stomach that I have not felt in a while has been sitting there and has been boiled over again after last night. After a moment of just smiling to myself in Harry's bedroom, I climb from the bed and head out the door towards the living area of his apartment.

I decide upon looking around for a while at the large flat. It's very different from mine back home.

The staircase leading to an upstairs area has a divider made of total glass and the wooden floors are waxed cleanly. Almost every wall is a bright white aside from an occasional wall of a very soft color of orange or green, even blue.

The living area bleeds into a small kitchen where an island of cabinets sits in the middle surrounded by appliances and cooking materials. Across the room, my eye catches sight of a glass door and I am drawn to it.

I slide it open smoothly as a burst of cool morning air hits my skin. I slowly walk across a wide balcony to the very edge where a glass divider similar to the one in the living room separates me and the city of Los Angeles below me. I am overlooking busy streets and tall buildings along with hills and houses of all sorts off in the distance. It's so beautiful, yet so different from what I got used to back home in North Carolina.

I lean over the balcony looking below me as I watch the city unfold into its daily progresses.

After a while, I head back inside.

Upon walking inside, I heard a buzzer towards the front of the apartment. After approaching the door I realize it's an intercom like thing.

I press a button which glows a soft red.

"Styles." I answer unsure of what exactly to respond.

"Package arriving to Styles' residence." A robotic woman's voice responds to me and I am taken back.

The call ends and I pause waiting next to the door. A bell rings throughout the house and I peer out of the peephole in the door as I see a man set a box outside the door. When he is gone, I quickly open the door, grab the box, and lock the door again.


I take the box into the living area as I set it onto the floor and begin to tear into it.

After minutes of struggling with tape and pulling on cardboard, I manage to open the package.

Inside, is a cream colored shirt and a light wash pair of ripped jeans. On the bottom is a maroon colored beanie similar to Harry's green one I love so much.

Beneath the beanie is a note a long with a watch.

The note reads:

Look at the clothes, put them on. Look at the beanie, put it on. Look at the watch, it should say four thirty (if it doesn't it's probably Louis' fault). Put on the clothes, beanie and go to the address on the back at the time the watch says. I'll see you there then. xoxo.


I shake my head as I smile like an idiot in the middle of his apartment and I let out a quiet giggle to myself as I hold the note up to my heart.

With several hours to spare, I begin to get ready anyways.

Little did I know, no matter how much preparation I put into myself, I wasn't nearly ready for what was coming.

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