CHAPTER 3 [nice to meet you]

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Right now I'm getting ready to meet Gabbies boyfriend and his friends for the first time. I mean I'm not freaking out unlike Tate and Kay - they're quite excited to see the boys and I don't really mind. "Grace hurry the fuck up we need to leave soon" I hear Tate shout from in the kitchen, "we do not need to be there exactly on time, that's just weird" I shout back, "I don't wanna be late for Gabbie" she says, "sure" I shout back and I can hear Kay laugh. I look at myself in the mirror and I'm pleased with how I look. I'm wearing a nice white denim skirt with a grey top tucked into it with my white air forces that have a grey Nike tick. My hair is straight down with a litte makeup. Grace three years ago wouldn't even think of wearing this sort of thing, never mind straightening my hair. I guess you could say that LA has changed me a little, but I just think it's brought a new and improved version of myself out. "Okay I'm ready" I say walking out of my bedroom.

"This is weird were all wearing white denim skirts" Kay says looking between me and Tate, "I'm changing" Tate says walking into my bedroom, "into what" I ask, "your black denim skirt duh" she says closing my door, "and she said she didn't want to be late" I raise an eyebrow. My phone starts to ring and I answer it without looking at who's calling already, knowing who it is, "yes" I say as I put my phone up to my ear, "when are you getting here" Gabbie asks, "I don't know, we were about to leave but we were all kind of wearing the same thing so Tate decided to change" I say, "of course she did" Gabbie says, "we'll be there soon, Tate's done" I say as I see Tate walking out of my bedroom. "Okay see you soon" Gabbie says, "adios" I say as I end the call. "Are you ready now" Kay says getting up rom the sofa, "yes I'm ready" Tate smiles, "lets go then" I say grabbing my keys and opening the door.

When we pull up to the house Tate decides to call Gabbie to come out to us, "this house is so cool" Kay says, "how can 5 boys afford a house like this" I say, "yeah we're outside, come and get us please" I hear Tate say. I turn to see the door of the house open to reveal a smiling Gabbie. "Yeah we see you" Tate says before ending the call. We all get out the car and I see both Kay and Tate fix their hair before we go any further, I roll my eyes at them. As we walk closer to Gabbie I start to get a wierd feeling in the pit of my stomach. Why am I nervous? I don't get nervous about meeting new people. Why do I suddenly feel uneasy? "Hey guys" Gabbie smiles as we walk closer. I feel my phone beep in my pocket and I pull it out to reveal a text message from Molly and I decide to text back,

Molly: are you there yet? xx

Me: just got here xx

"The boys are outside running around being boys" Gabbie laughs as we walk inside. She closes the door behind us, "this house is so cool" Kay says looking around, "don't ask me how they afford it" Gabbie laughs as she leads us outside. I get another text from Molly that I needed to respond to,

Molly: tell me what they're like xx

Me: of course xx

As we walk closer to the back door I can hear the increasing sounds of voices and some even sound familiar. "Okay I apologise if they act wierd" Gabbie laughs as she slides the glass door open, "boys they're here" Gabbie shouts and I can hear each other boys running inside. My phone beeps again and I know it's Molly. I pull my phone out of my pocket to read the mesaage, "guys this is Zach, Corbyn, Daniel, Jonah, and my boyfriend Jack" Gabbie says getting my attention. I look up straight away and see all the boys standing there and smiling but Jack has his arm around Gabbie. For a moment it felt like my heart stopped. My breathing picks up and there's a sickening feeling in my stomach. I can't open my mouth to speak, it's like I'm paralyzed.

He hasn't changed one bit. He looks the same as he did three years ago. I can't help but stare at him. I haven't seen him since I left. His arm is happily placed around Gabbie and he's pulling her closer to him. They look so good together, they're happy. His curly hair still drops over his forehead and his big brown eyes are fully of kindness and love. He smiles down at Gabbie and my heart instantly begins to ache again. He's happy and now that I've come back into his life, I just might have messed things up for him again. The past three years have been a long ride to get over Jack. He was the only person I ever let know me in the way that he did. He was my best friend and I guess you could say my boyfriend. But he was more than just a boyfriend, I told him my darkest secrets and I've never been through so much with someone. No one will ever understand me like he does. And now it feels like it was all for nothing. We're strangers now. We don't talk, we haven't since I told him I didn't want anything to do with him a few years back.

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