CHAPTER 14 [see you tonight]

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I wake up in a room that isn't mine, surrounded by things that I don't own. I roll over onto my side to spot a glass of water and two pills before my head starts to pound. I squint my eyes in pain and bring my hand up to rub my forehead. I cant remember much about last night, just that I had to forget what I was feeling and forget the situation I was in. The last thing I remember clearly was asking the bartender to give me the strongest shit he has, after that everything just blurry. I have no idea how I got here but for some reason it looks familiar.

I start to look around and notice my clothes on the floor, I panic and pull the covers off me to make sure I wasn't naked and to my luck, I wasn't. I was dressed in a huge grey t-shirt to my luck, but I still don't know if I did anything last night but I don't care, I was able to forget for a while and that's all that matters to me. This headache is able to distract me from feeling anything else right now, like what happened yesterday - the reason I got so drunk in the first place.

I don't usually get this drunk to the point where I don't even remember what happened the night before. I have only ever done this once before and it was the night I moved out of my mums house, I walked out and never looked back. Thank god I had Molly to help my ass that night but now I don't even know where she is at the moment let alone myself. I'm guessing it wasn't Molly who got me last night, someone else. I could've done some stupid shit last night but that doesn't matter right, I just need to get home.

I pull myself out of bed to grab my clothes, I need to get out of here and to Molly or home at least. I don't choose to take the pills since it could be anything and I don't exactly know where I am. Just as I was about to change I hear the door open and I freeze, "about time you got up" I hear him and I look up in relief, "thank god it was you and not some stranger" I breathe out as I pull him into a hug. "Yeah, Molly called last night, said you wouldn't stop crying and drinking so I thought it would be best for me to pick you and bring you here" Jonah says and then pulls away from the hug to walk over to the side of the bed.

"Tate wasn't very happy when I showed up for you and not her" he laughs before picking up the water and the pills off the side, "if you want the headache to stop you have to take these" he laughs handing me the pills and water, "thanks" I take them gladly and instantly put them in my mouth to swallow them along with the water. "How bad was I last night" I ask after I finish ad Jonah rubs the back on his neck and looks down, guess I looked like an idiot. "Honest?" he questions, "don't hold back" I manage to laugh out.

He sits down on the bed and pats the spot next to him, I chose to accept his offer and sit down next to him, bracing myself for what he's about to say. "You were trying to get with any guy you saw when I got there" he says and my mouth drops open, "then when you saw I was there you even tried to kiss me" he laughs and my eyes go wide, "I am so sorry" I quickly say and Jonah shrugs, "its fine Grace, Tate wasn't happy with me though" he shrugs, "I'm sorry for that too" I say and he just smiles, "its cool" he shrugs, "what else" I hesitantly ask.

"I had to fucking carry you to my car and throw you in, you didn't want to leave" he laughs which makes me laugh, I was a mess. "You wouldn't stop crying" he says, "fuck sake, I was bad" I try to laugh it off and he nods, "Jack tried to talk to you when I got back" he says in a more serious tone, "did you let him" I ask, and he shakes his head, "you already made that decision when you were screaming in his face" Jonah laughs and my eyes go wide, "what did I say" I ask, "you called him a dickhead, a cheat, a liar, and I think I recall you saying if he came near you that you'd rip his tongue out of his head" Jonah says and my hand instantly covers my mouth.

Damn, I was an angry drunk last night, and aggressive by the sounds of it. I'm not saying Jack didn't deserve what I said to him but I don't think I could control what was coming out of my mouth and if even most of what I said was true, I still feel guilty about saying it. Everything I said came out in the wrong way, "you okay?" Jonah asks when he realises I'm deep in thought and I nod my head, "I think" I say, "I forgot about how shitty I felt for a while, but I should've known I couldn't just stop it that easy" I shrug.

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