Chapter 2

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There were two soldiers on the small boat with us, one paddling and the other one watching us carefully. I watched him stir in his seat when Trumpkin continued to glare at him. Under the rag, I smirked. If they were going to drown us, I was glad we could make him feel scared and uncomfortable. "They won't stop staring." One of the soldiers said. I watched as the other one rolled his eyes.

"So don't look." Both Trumpkin and the man continue to stare at each other. "Here's fine." They stop rowing and I look at Trumpkin, trying not to be scared. They both lift Trumpkin first. Then, an arrow hits the side of the boat. All I hear is someone's voice yelling at the men. Trumpkin even looks nervous as the men both look at each other and quickly drop Trumpkin into the water, throwing me overboard quickly after. I struggled against the current, trying to get my hands free. But they bonds were too tight. Every time I tried to break free, my skin felt it was burning. I saw someone reaching out for me, their arms wrapping around me, swimming us both back to shore. A girl knelt beside me and cut me free of my bonds, allowing me to spit up all the sand and water that I had choked on.

"Anastasia?" One of the girls said. Her voice sounded familiar. When I stood up, I looked at the 4 people that stood in front of me. My hand went to my mouth as I stared back at them. They were back. The Pevensies were back. I looked at all of them over and over again.

"Lucy?" I stared down at the girl, her hair lighter and longer now. I shook my head as I brought her into a hug. "I can't believe it. You're back." I felt her hug me back tightly, as I looked at Susan who was right next to her. I let go of Lucy and hugged Susan. Susan looked the same as the day we first came to Narnia. She was older but it wasn't very noticeable. Then I moved to Edmund, who looked just as different as Lucy. Both looked older, and their hair was longer. Edmund hugged me back and from the clothes, I realised he was the one that had recused me. "Oh Edmund. You've grown so much." I let go of him as I looked at the last Pevensie. My heart beat faster than ever in my chest as we looked at each other.

"Peter." I breathed out as he pulled me into his arms. I missed him so much. I missed his touch. I missed his warmth. I missed his smell. I missed everything about him. I pulled away from his embrace and looked up at him. His eyes were the only thing the same about him. His beautiful charming blue eyes. His hair was a little longer and his bangs that he used to have were now pushed to the side. His cheekbones were more defined and he had grown taller and more muscular than I remembered. There was a small trace of an old bruise around his eye. I touched it lightly, moving my fingers around his face. "Have you been getting into fights?" I asked him, making him grimace. He ignored my question, pulling me closer to him, kissing my lips hard. I missed this. One of my hands stayed on his cheek, the other one going to his hair. We pulled apart for air, my forehead resting against his. "By Aslan's mane, I missed you." I mumbled, pecking his lips.

"I missed you too Ana." He chuckled a little under my breath. Suddenly, his face became serious as he pulled on the small chain around my neck. My engagement ring. He smiled at me. "I love you so much."

"I love you more." I pecked his lips again, only stopping when we heard a cough. A blush rose to my cheeks as I turned around, seeing the rest if the Pevensies staring back at us. I laughed, smiling at them. We were together again.

A thought came to my mind as I turned around, helping Trumpkin up. "Are you alright?" I asked him. He nodded, still irritated. He looked at Susan and huffed.

"'Drop him'?! That's the best you can come up with?" He yelled at Susan, glaring at her as he dusted himself off.

"A simple thank-you would suffice." Susan mumbled, shaking her head at him. Trumpkin didn't like new people much. He doesn't trust easily.

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