Chapter 6

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So far the plan was working. We had sent Edmund to talk to Miraz, challenging him to a duel against Peter. Lucy and Susan were planning on riding into the woods, to get Lucy away from the fight. And hopefully she could find Aslan. I helped Lucy onto the horse and Caspian stood near me, waiting to have a word with Susan. "Good luck Lucy. Be careful." I squeezed her hand tightly before handing Susan her bow and quiver. Susan and I wore very similar armor, though Lucy wore little to none. We were hoping she wouldn't need any. She nodded to me, giving me a hug before getting onto the horse. I turned around and nodded to Caspian before leaving to check on Peter. I saw him standing in the How, staring at the carving of Aslan. He was dressed in armor, except for his helmet, which he held tightly at his side. He turned around and looked at me. I knew he knew I was scared but he didn't say anything. Neither of us did. We both just stood there looking at each other before Ed coughed, making us both turn to look at him. He was also wearing armor, but he didn't have a helmet.

"It's time." Peter and I looked at each other again, and he slipped his hand in mine, gripping it tightly as we walked out of the How.

In front of us, Miraz stood in full armor. Behind him, thousands of Telmarnies stood, ready to fight if needed. Peter grips my hand and then lets go, walking forward to meet Miraz in the middle of the "arena". They begin circling each other, saying a few words before they pull their helmets down at the duel begins. Both armies cheer, though I could barely hear it over the sound of my own heartbeat. Edmund looked at me and then looked down at his hand, offering it to me. I smiled at the boy and gripped his hand, taking all of my anxiety out on his hand. He gripped mine back almost as hard. We were both scared for Peter. Both of the men fighting look tired and more words are exchanged before they both go limping back to their own sides. Edmund goes to pick up Peter's helmet as I help Peter back to our side. From the side I see Caspian and Susan riding back on horse. But no Lucy. They dismount near us and Susan comes over to check on Peter. "Lucy got through... with a little help." Peter looks at Caspian and they both nod.

"Thanks." Peter mumbles, looking back at the How. "Better get up there, just in case. I don't expect the Telmarines will keep their word." Peter tells Susan. She looks up at the Narnians and then back to Peter, giving him a hug. He winces and she steps back mumbling a sorry. She looks at him one more time before joining the worried Narnians.

"Keep smiling." Edmund mumbles to Peter, who looks up at the Narnians and through a forced smile, raises his sword high. The Narnians cheer. Peter grabs a hold of his arm when he turns back around and groans. I look at him and sigh, standing behind him.

"I think it's dislocated." He tells me, groaning when I touch it. "What do you think happens back home if you die here?" I sigh.

"I don't know Peter. But when we both make it out of this alive, I want to get married." At the last part, I push his shoulder back into its socket and Peter yells out in pain. He stands up and looks at me, a small smile on my face as I hand him his sword. He shakes his head when Edmund offers him his helmet.

"I love you." Peter tells me, kissing my lips before I have time to reply. He pulled away, not waiting for a response before he walked back into the "arena". Peter attacks quickly, but Miraz parries. Miraz starts hitting Peter with his shield. Peter falls, and Miraz runs towards him. Peter blocks and then trips Miraz. They both recover. Peter knocks Miraz' sword out of his hand. They continue fighting, Miraz using his shield. Peter tries to stab Miraz but fails. Miraz knocks Peter's sword out of his hand. Miraz tries to slam his shield into Peter, but Peter catches it. Peter twists Miraz' shield behind him. Miraz elbows Peter in the face and then pushes him into a pillar. Miraz picks up his sword and swings, but Peter blocks it with his braces. Peter stands up and punches Miraz' wounded leg. Miraz yells out and falls down, dropping his sword.

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