Chapter 5

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 I remember feeling pain. But then nothing else. The pain had vanished as quickly as it came. When my eyes opened, I saw all of the Pevensie's worried faces above mine. I looked at them strangely. Lucy's face was closest. "Wha-what happened?" I breathed out. I saw them smile a little as Peter grabbed me by the shoulders, hugging tightly.

"I thought I told you to be careful." I ran my hands through his hair.

"I was careful." He pulls away and gives me a look that says 'stop joking around'. I sigh and put my hands on his cheeks. "I'm ok. I'll be more careful next time. I promise." He helps me up and I hug Lucy, whispering a thank you in her ear. I knew she was the reason I was here. I looked past all of them seeing Caspian walking away. "Where is everyone?" I asked the lot, noticing that there were many Narninas missing from this scene. I looked around and then looked back at Peter, whose face was solemn. I sighed as I shook my head. They were gone.

Then from the corner of my eye, I saw Nikabrik follow Caspian into the How. At first glance, it seemed normal but I had a gut feeling. I pushed past the Pevensies, gripping the hilt of my sword as I walked into the How, following quietly behind Nikabrik. When I entered the center of the How, I saw Caspian staring at her. The White Witch. It wasn't really her. Well, it was her but she wasn't alive. She was more like a spirit trying to break free and become human again. She wasn't the only one there though. Nikabrik had brought some of her minions; a hag and a werewolf. "Stop!" I heard Peter yell from behind me. I didn't realize that they had followed me. Edmund and I shared the same look as we both ran towards the Witch. I only heard screams from the hag and Lucy as Edmund and I stood behind the ice where the Witch was. We looked at each other one more time before raising our swords above our heads and striking the ice. The ice shattered in front of us. Peter stood where Caspian once stood and he stared at us as Edmund and I lowered our swords.

"I know. You had it sorted." Edmund looks at Peter before walking away. I start to follow him out, resting my hand on Peter's shoulder for a second. Susan waits for me, looking at both of the boys with a disappointment in her eyes as we both walk out, leaving the boys to themselves.


I sat on the Stone Table, looking at the carving of Aslan. Where was he when we needed him? I heard someone walk in and I turned my head, seeing Peter sit down next to me. I rest my head on his shoulder. "You're lucky, you know." He tells me, kissing my head.

"What do you mean?" I ask, looking up at him, taking my eyes away from Aslan.

"To have seen Him." I look back at the carving of Aslan and sigh. "I wish he'd just give me some kind of proof." I hold his hand in mine and he looks at the carving as well.

"Maybe we're the ones who need to prove ourselves to Him. Maybe that's why He hasn't done anything yet. We need to do this on our own, but to do that, you and Caspian need to work together." Peter looks at me and gives me a smile. Just when we start to lean in, Edmund runs in, a small bit of fear on his face. "What's wrong Edmund?" He looks at us and sighs.

"You guys need to see this." Peter and I look at each other and get up, following Edmund. We go outside, and see the Telmarine army approaching. Miraz rides in front of the others, all of them in full armor.

We're going to war. 

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