During- Part II

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        I walked into my work building, and went into the elevator. I thought about how Frank tried to make conversation with me. Why would he even bother? There was just no point in even speaking to each other because he knows he screwed it up completely. There would never be a repair of this mistake. Even if a miracle happened, and we ended up getting back together, it wouldn't ever be the same. Just thinking about the fact that we were over started to depress me. 

       "Gerard, no. You can't do this. You're supposed to be angry with him, not depressed. He ruined your life. He broke your heart. You are pissed." I say to myself softly.

        I shake my head  slightly, then get off the elevator, and walk into my office. I put my book bag on the back of my chair. I hadn't worn a coat today since it was hot out. I was already ready for the cold. I liked it better that way. Snow was my favorite thing. I liked watching the snow fall swirl around my body. All of the snowflakes were absolutely beautiful. It was weird because snowflakes and humans have more things in common than what people would think. 

        We are all made up of the same things, but none of us look the same.


        I pull my notebook out of my bag and flip to a random page. I was currently working on my new idea for a comic, called the Umbrella Academy. I wanted to create a scene in the comic where it was snowing. 

         I started drawing shapes of characters bodies in an open area. They were all looking up, and reaching into the sky, trying to grasp the snowflakes. I didn't have a completed idea of why they were, but I had a feeling where they should be. It would eventually come to me. 

        I drew for awhile longer, then looked at the clock. It was 8:40. I had only been here for forty minutes. I almost had the general outline done for the Umbrella Academy. I was getting a good amount of work done already. I twirled the pencil with my fingers.

        I got up and walked out of my office into the break room, and made myself a cup of coffee. The coffee they had here was my favorite, and I enjoyed to drink it a lot. It was almost a problem, because I was obsessed with coffee and Starbucks in general. I was a typical white teenage girl.

        My coffee took three minutes to make. After it was finished brewing, I added sugar and three things of creamer because I was craving something sweat. After that, I walked back into my office. I sat down at my desk, and sipped my coffee. Then I swung my chair around and looked out the window. It was a gorgeous day outside. Maybe I would go out to lunch today, or meet Ryvre at a cafe around 12. I would have to call her soon if I wanted to do that. I guess I would.         

        Then, I heard a sound. It almost sounded like an airplane that was taking off. I looked to the left of the sky, and sure enough there was a airplane. But, there was something different about this airplane. It seemed awfully close to the buildings. Why was it so close? The JFK wasn't that close to here? I wasn't sure. 

        My eyes followed the airplane, and it went across the sky. The sound was so horribly loud. It was ringing in my ears. I pressed my palms to my ears. It didn't help.

        Then a sound one hundred times worse occurred. 

        "HOLY SHIT!" I hear someone scream from across the hall.

        It was spewing out smoke and flames and debris.

        There were screams. There were screams everywhere, coming from multiple different people in the building.

        A plane had flown into one of the Twin Towers. 

        The place that Ryvre worked in.

        My mind went blank. Everything went fuzzy. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. My mind was telling me to scream, but I physically couldn't. But I guess I was, because people came into my office and were opening and closing their mouths. I couldn't here anything, except for my heart beat. I finally gained control of my feet, and started running. I didn't know where, but I was running. 

        I was crying too. I couldn't stop either. Ryvre was in that building. She had to get out. I had to get her out.

        I was going to get her out.

        My heart was still pounding in my ears and my head was throbbing. 

        I finally got out of the building, and the streets were disastrous. There were sirens in the distance, along with screaming and crying shrieks coming from a variety of different people.  It was so tragic, yet magnificent. How could something like this happen?

        I was still running. I didn't know it was possible for me to have this much energy. I wasn't in shape, but I would run across the world to save my only friend. 

        I ran towards the hectic mess of the first twin tower. There was still smoke spewing out of the top area. There were people running to and from it. It was so strange seeing everyone distressed. No one was staying calm. In a situation like this, no one could.

        The human mind could only handle so much stress and horror. Everyone's brain was currently on overdrive. No one could say that they are calm, because people that look strong, in this situation, were the opposite. 

        I was still crying. I was hyperventilating too. I had a horrible pain in my chest and stomach.

        What if she was dead?

        I only knew that she worked in the 65th floor. The tower had to be hundreds of floors; It looked like that at least.

        I finally got near the front of the building. There were police officers, directing people trying to keep everyone calm, but they weren't even calm themselves. 

        I was about to go into the entrance, but a officer stopped me. 

        "Kid, you can't go in there! Only if you're a firefighter, you can proceed!" He yells over multiple screaming voices.

        "Yeah, I'm a firefighter, my boss is in there. He has my equipment!" I yell back, and the police officer nods, letting me pass.

        I approached the entrance and took a deep breath. I was going to find her, and save her.

         Debris was falling. Little pieces of burn paper were floating around the air.


        It looked like snow.


HEY GUYS! Yeah I made a chapter for you all, and an early update. 

You're welcome.

So I'm starting a new story and it's frerard. So keep your eye out for it. It's going to be a great one. 

I love you all, and thank you for almost 1k followers. 

The next chapter will be up soon. Before Halloween.

<4 R.I.

Famous Last Words (Third Book to Awake and Unafriad)Where stories live. Discover now