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"I'm gonna go out for a bit. Are you good on your own for a little?"

"Daniel, it's 10:30 at night! Why are you going out so late?" Seulgi questioned.

"It's just one of those last minute plans, you know. I promise I'll be safe and I'll be back in an hour, two hours at the most," he explained.

Seulgi sighed and nodded, "alright. Just don't get into any trouble."

"I won't. Make sure to lock the doors," he said as he started making his way to the doorway, Seulgi following after him.

"Yeah, yeah," she rolled her eyes. It had almost been a month since she came home and she had been fine for the most part.

Daniel left and she soon locked the door after it closed behind him. She also made sure to check the backdoor to ensure that it was also locked. She trudged back to the kitchen, in the mood for a warm drink. She was in the middle of choosing between tea and hot chocolate when she heard a tap on the window. She placed the two packets on the counter and moved to the window, pulling back the curtain. Nothing. She shrugged before heading back to her drink choice. She decided on hot chocolate.

As she was mixing in the powder to the warm milk, she heard another noise from outside the house. She placed the spoon in the sink before moving to the window in the living room. She looked out the window, like how she had that night a couple of weeks ago. She glanced around and saw nothing outside, the street light illuminating the quiet neighborhood. She was about to retreat back to her room when she saw a car situated outside her home.

She looked a little closer and widened her eyes in realization. It was the same car from that night. That person...he was there again.

She knew she should've just ignored it and gone back to her room. She knew to not let curiosity get the best of her. She knew she should've just curled up in bed with a book and her hot chocolate.

So, why couldn't she stop staring at the man in the car?

Seulgi glanced at the clock on the wall. 11:02 PM. It would just be a quick greeting. It wasn't like she was going out. Just a simple greeting to the mystery man. Was this a good idea? No, probably not. Especially since it hadn't been that long since she came home from who knows where. But she couldn't help but feel a pull to see that man.

Seulgi settled her mug on the coffee table before slipping on a random pair of shoes. She was in sweatpants and an oversized shirt, you know, the usual bed-wear. It was going to be a quick thing. At least that's what she told herself.


Jimin had pulled up to the familiar residence, turning off the car to gaze at the house as an act of protection. He did it every night, like clockwork. It was the usual, after a stressful day filled with meetings, he would drive over to Seulgi's home. It helped slightly with the deprivation, knowing she was close by and safe. He would usually stay until 4 AM before heading back to the base and getting a little bit of sleep, not that he could get much with Seulgi far from his arms.

He had gotten used to the routine for the past month, nothing happening except for that one time where Seulgi saw him from her window, but she just returned back to sleep.

So, he was surprised when he saw the front door to the home opening and out stepped his beautiful soulmate, dressed in the most casual clothes, yet still managing to take his breath away. He immediately sat up in his car and watch as she slowly walked over to where his car was parked, his breath catching in his throat.

He was nearly shaking when she reached in his car, knocking on the driver's side window, a gorgeous, friendly smile gracing her face. He tentatively rolled down the window and looked up at her, immediately getting lost in her dark chocolate eyes.

"Um, hello. I noticed you were parked outside my house and I just wanted to know if you were lost, or if you needed help with anything?"

Her soft, delicate voice made him melt in his seat. After a month of not being able to be near her, this was a delight.

"Sorry, didn't mean to bother you so late at night. I was just taking a moment to rest before continuing to drive home. Driving while tired is almost the same as drunk driving," he explained, hoping he would buy his lie.

"Ah, I see. Would like a coffee or some tea to help with giving you some energy?" She offered.

Just being around you gives me energy.

"It's alright, but thank you for your generosity," he smiled at her.

"Well then, have a good night," she smiled back before walking back to her home, taking a small second to look back before she slipped through the door.

Jimin let out a breath that he didn't realize he was holding. God, she was so gorgeous. His entire being just craved for her. He wanted to just bring her back home to him. He sighed. It would never happen. He decided it was just better to go back to the base. He turned on the car and drove out of the quiet neighborhood, feeling his soul leaving as he left. Jimin was so lost in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed the large black van that had passed his car, entering the residence and stopping right in front of the Kang home.


this is very short and i am very sorry. but i hope u enjoyed!

have a good day/night!

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