Walkers of the Oneness

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Inside a Walkers of the Oneness temple on Sarteck. A teacher speaks to the congregants.

Date: 3 eons, 14,160 eras, 4 elapses, and 14,748 time units

We are tempted to label, tempted to blame, tempted to judge. We are always tempted to engage with suffering rather than remove ourselves from it. We do not hesitate to jump into a situation to act and to move the situation in a different direction. Action against actions that our instincts cannot bear does not require us to engage with suffering. But if we judge those forces that we act against, we allow suffering to come into our spirits.

What I mean is this. We are not to accuse the Biomass as evil. It is a passing, like all other things that pass. By all means, take precautions. Dedicate resources to slowing the spread of the pathogen. But do not so quickly label the Biomass as an immoral or corrupt thing. It does not cause suffering. Suffering is. It needs no cause and it needs not cause anything. We must experience pain. We must experience change. We must experience pleasure, emotion, consciousness. We may choose not to experience suffering. Let emotions pass without judgment. Let contagion pass without judgment. Act as you will, but do not put yourself in the path of suffering by attributing value to temporary things.

Soon there will be not sentient beings in Kapkurkonkus. Many have died in painful ways. We feel sadness in our hearts for those who are no longer with us. Do not, however, confuse sadness with suffering. Let the emotion flood your mind. Feel how your motivation becomes inhibited. Feel how your eyes are downcast. Feel the heaviness of your limbs. Feel it, note it, but do not judge it. Realize, however, that the Biomass is part of the One. It exists. Let that knowledge penetrate you. Allow it to motivate you. Do not allow it to bring you suffering.

Now even on Sarteck there are rumors of an infection, one that is slower and more subtle. For now, only animals are affected, but so seemed to be the case on Kon. This causes us fear. It causes us fear that antibiotics do not even slow the infection like they did on Kon. Even while antivirals work, even while researchers tell us the infection has no bacterial component, we fear that our planet will also become green slime.

Let the fear in. Note how it increases the pulsing in your chest, shell, head, thorax, or abdomen. Note how your body tightens. Notice how sounds seem louder and lights seem darker. The fear is in you, it is part of you. But the fear is not you. You are not the fear. You and the fear are. Let this be. Know that you can either choose to let suffering in or keep it out.

Perhaps tomorrow something small will cheer your day, even though countless are dead in YM1-5-43. You feel that which you feel. Do not deny emotion. Allow even the cheer to enter your mind.

Do not deny anything. Some claims are true and some claims are not true. Attempt to distinguish between truth and untruth. Accept the knowledge of truth into your mind and into your spirit. Disregard that which is not true, but if lies have been spoken, acknowledge the speaking.

The Biomass is real and it has entered Sarteck. Do not deny it as untrue. You and the Biomass exist within the same universe. Do not deny it as untrue. It may pass that one day an infection will cause your sensory cells to send pain to your central nervous system. Do not deny it as untrue. Pain is not the same as suffering. Do not deny it as untrue. We have a desire to end the spread of the Biomass. Do not deny it as untrue.

Go forth into the One as you depart from the One.

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