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Vidcon was drawing near as the days passed. However, as you were packing you'd gotten a call from coffee shop guy. His name was johnathan.

"Would you be up for catching a movie sometime today", he asked 

"Actually I can't today, I have to pack", you sighed not really in the mood for conversation yet he persisted 

"Oh where are you going"

"Vidcon", you answered

He laughed as if you were joking ,"isn't that the stupid convention that 12 year olds attend to see trust fund babies who don't have real jobs"

He stopped laughing when  you didn't respond

"I make more money in a month doing my "fake job" than you would in a year working at McDonald's"

"Oh no I didn't mean it's not a real job, no I said",he faltered for a moment as if trying to figure out how to lie,

"Seal jobs I said seal jobs, crazy right?", he laughed as you hung up

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