Surprise (ending number 2)

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You'd just recently turned 25, people found it quite hard to believe that you and Alex had been dating since you were 19 but things just work out like that sometimes. Things were fine, although lately he'd grown distant. After 3 years of dating you moved in together, but these past couple of weeks it became more and more evident that he was hiding something.


"Yes that day is fine, thank you", he said, hanging up the phone
You only heard the last sentence as you walked into the room, "what are you planning",you smirked, wrapping your arms around him.
"You'll find out soon enough"

you woke up on the couch, with only the soft light of the television illuminating the living room. You must have fallen asleep, the small clock in the corner read 2 am. As you stood up to go to bed, you heard the front door open and slowly close. Alex had to be asleep at this hour so who could it be. A baseball bat sat in the corner for such emergencies so you grabbed it, being careful not to make a sound, and crept over to the small hallway which led to the front door. You pressed your back against the wall, wielding the bat at a stance to hit whoever it was in the stomach. However, right as you swung the bat high in the air, you were met with Alex standing there with a pink bag in his hands.
"where were you so late", you inquired. He chuckled and "getting something special"


This day in particular marked 6 years the two of you had been together, yet he had been gone all day.
You sighed, going into your room for an early bed before you saw a box and a note.
"In this box ornate, you'll find a garment of lace. Wear it to the place we had our first date"
You smiled, opening the box to find a beautiful yet simple dress.
It was a pale peach colour, the lace above the fabric curled in intricate floral designs. It was sure to end just at your knees.

You hugged the box to your chest in excitement, somehow you thought that he truly had forgotten

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You hugged the box to your chest in excitement, somehow you thought that he truly had forgotten. You brushed your teeth and delicately pulled on the dress, it felt light as air on your skin. Heels wouldn't have been a wise choice, as your first date was at the park. You didn't want to be "UwU not like other girls" and wear sneakers with a dress but it was either that or risk breaking an ankle while walking on grass.

The small park was in walking distance, so you left the small apartment

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The small park was in walking distance, so you left the small apartment. You pondered why this chapter in particular was written like a bad Netflix romance movie, but you couldn't bother with those thoughts for long as you were finally at the park. You heard guitar being played along with soft singing, you recognized the song almost instantly. (Play song in media). You walked forward, seeing Alex sitting on a picnic blanket. Fairy lights decorated the ground where he sat. It was just late enough for there to be a soft breeze yet not too cold. You sat on the blanket next to him, gazing at the scenery.
"Happy anniversary",he laughed.
"I can't believe you did all this",you smiled.
The two of you ate in comfortable silence, before he pulled a bottle of wine from the basket.
"I got your favourite",he warmly stated, twisting off the cork and pouring it into two glasses. You could have sworn you heard a small noise while he did so, but thought nothing of it.
"A toast",he began
"To six years and many more"
You clinked your glasses together and sipped the alcoholic drink. The music lightly played from a record player, everything was perfect.
As you neared the end of your glass,something hard hit your tongue.
You didn't process the fact that you were swallowing something until it was too late. The foreign object was caught in your windpipe as you began to choke. Alex had never paid attention during health class and the Heimlich was not his strong suit. The park was empty at this time of night and he was useless to help

You died

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