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Scanning through the big pile of papers, "I'm handing out your score cards. Settle down, you punks!" Ms. Jia spoke out.

The orange colored yolk like sunset interested Arthit way more than the noisy classroom. He was observing  the sunlight that peeked through the bars of the windows and landed on his shoes when a paper plane made its entrance from the open window sliding through the bars. The paper plane whizzed past the group of guys who were huddled around a desk smirking while looking at the  magazine on the desk, then it flew past a guy who was too concentrated in his current level of the game to spare it a glance. The plane flew past some guys who were ready to catch it nevertheless missed it. There was something about the plane which made Arthit suspicious. It was gliding in a stream-lined motion. Angles that the plane cut into the air made it seem as if it was made of a material sturdier than paper. Was it also flying for a long span of time or was it the relativity of time Arthit was feeling? He was debating when the setting sunlight reflected from the plane and fell on the opposite wall. As the plane dipped at a lower angle  while passing through a group of girls gossiping he saw something which he couldn't believe--

Suddenly he shouted, " EVERYBODY  OUT !"

He crashed through the rusted bars of the window knowing that they will cave under his weight according to his assumptions . As he fell down from the third floor of school he could see the electric binding light from his classroom, a shrill scream along with some shouts, the sound of the explosion ate away the remaining sounds. With the night closing in, he lay on the playground  with his right hand bent at an odd angle. Some sticky fluid pooled around him and the   blue sky overhead rained shards of glasses as if the inner dome of hell had broken loose. Laying there , he reached out his hand towards the sky , the setting sunlight shone on it and with  a blurry vision he saw it was bloody, too much blood everywhere. 

"Mama...i'm coming. " whispering in a raspy voice he let the darkness swallow him with a smile through his bleeding lips.

Men in moss green suit came and picked up Arthit's body silently. Their footsteps made no sound, they moved in a sickly synchronous order and they talked with eyes and gestures as if the right to freedom has been stolen from them. Taking the body to a black van, they left without checking for survivors. Silent as they came, silently they left.

Every bit of his body ached, cracking his joints  free by twisting and turning, Kongpob stared at the boy who lay on the hospital bed.He had been visiting the boy everyday of this week.The boy was lean, shorter than him, gaunt and had dark eye bags.Even his sleeping face looked disturbed as if the entire weight of the world weighed on him . The boy's right arm was fractured as well as his left hip bone. With bruises all throughout his body the pale boy looked almost dead. His left cheek was swollen so much that his left eye had to remain shut. The head suffered the most with a frontal bone denting , he would have tremors for the rest of his life. Konpob's stare was not doting or sympathetic, it was cold and calculating. With no muscles the boy looked pathetic and weak, why did father choose such an useless boy for this operation. As Kongpob stared at the headstand of the hospital bed, the boy stirred, the  blanket  shifted off him. He placed it back and why did he do that? While he was pondering on how sudden and spontaneous his action was as if his hands had a mind of their own, a raspy voice called out, "Water."

Again he handed the glass on the table to the boy before his brain could process what the boy had asked.  What was wrong with him?! He needed to get this job done as soon as possible. It was very dangerous if his brain did not cooperate with his actions. The cold nozzle of a P9101 pistol was pressed against the bandages on Arthit's head as he was trying to get into a position of drinking water.The guy wearing the leather jacket and gloves spoke up in an icy tone 

" We have some business."

"The gun is hardly needed against a nearly dead person like me." Arthit replied.

Kongpob knew he wouldn't need a gun to hurt the boy but he was feeling vulnerable after his brain decided to not cooperate with him. But wait...firstly how's a person so calmly drinking water with a gun pointed to his head? Secondly, was he bossing over Kongpob? 

" Don't act smart with me my hand tends to pull the trigger easily."

"Open the trigger lock before threatening at least." Arthit replied.

"How long have i been out?" he asked again not wanting to lengthen the baseless small talk which could turn into a non-profitable argument.

" Three weeks."

"Business, you say?" Arthit asked.

"Yes." he replied.

Arthit coughed violently while taking a sip, the water in the glass turned red .He was going to bring his hand up to his mouth when a napkin was forced on his mouth harshly. Wiping the blood off his mouth, Kongpob disposed of the napkin. Again he had done something without thinking. This worried him greatly . Pressing the emergency button he walked out without looking back at the boy but not before saying,

" Sleep. I called the nurse."

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