My guys

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  Kong's father finished explaining  operation L2306 to Arthit and looked up to see Kong staring at Arthit with an unreadable expression. At first it scared him because he thought that spoilt, impulsive gangster son of his had a lustful look for Arthit's blood  but on noticing carefully, the father noticed the unmistakeable softness im his son's eyes. He had never seen such a deadly gentle expression on anyone. Arthit spoke up breaking him from his trance. Biting his lower lips, he said,
" I want my guys in the team with pay. "
Arthit took his phone from the bed stand and muttered,
"You'll see why. "

Wad and Tew  were sent to the base to question the mail intruder. Only Kong and his father remained seated around Arthit's bed when the hospital door burst open and a muscular fist landed on Arthit's exposed cheek. Within seconds, Kong was on his feet, standing between Arthit and the unknown muscular person who entered the room with a rage in his eyes.
" Prem, i asked you to wait!" saying this, another person equally tall as the muscular person, Prem, entered the room. On top of that, the second person had well toned, worked-out muscles. Looking towards Arthit lying on the hospital bed behind Kongpob, he said,
"What the fuck happened ?"

" Guy's! Arthit is not dead! We didn't have to dooooo the funeral! Now we have to do the birthday too! Yeah !!! party, boozes and chicks!" Another short ,lean  guy shouted dramatically on entering.

Arthit started laughing heartily on the bed. Within laughs, he said,
" Wait till i get my hands on you, Ai'Bright! Ai'Prem is that the way you treat your best friend and Ai'Knot calm down man!"

"Well , in that condition, you can't even get out of the bed buddy! Forget about killing me and worry about yourself and the bulldog in front of you more."

Arthit again burst out in laughter as well as the others! The mighty, feared leader of the one and only Sotus mafia gang, Kongpob Suthiluck was his bulldog?! The door opened to let a chubby man enter sweating profusely. He complained,
" I told you all to wait for me! What if i died climbing all these stairs? Aaaaaah...Arthit come on let me give you a get well hugggg, the Toota hug!"

Saying so the chubby guy moved towards Arthit when Arthit said,
"Careful Ai'Toot, this bulldogs bites."

" And Arthit is dead as it is, he won't live too see another day if you hug him!" Bright added.

"You chipmunk, come here! I still have to throttle you for mixing chilli flakes to my milk!"

The once silent hospital room reverberated with young laughs.
" But  Ai'Arthit be happy, Prem didn't kill you. I thought he would kill you for disappearing on us again ." Knot said gravely.

" Ai'Arthit , Knot was on the verge of crying. " Bright said.
"Well you and Toota were crying already. The car's a mess with your tissues!” Knot added hurriedly.

Prem had been dangerously silent for the past few moments. Arthit looked at him and saw that he was looking down at his feet in one corner of the room.

" Ai'Prem stop crying. I'm sorry brother. I won't ever do like this again." Arthit said feeling bad for making his friends worry.

" But you always do this! I am not crying. " Prem's voice broke down at the end.

" See? Now you made Prem cry, you heartless monster. Aww Ai'Prem come i will give you some candy so don't cry . Okay?" Bright teased.

" You wait till i get out of bed Ai'Bright ! " Arthit threatened.

"Anyone tell me , what is happening here?" Kongpob finally spoke up.

On making all of them understand operation L2306, Kong's father asked,
" Why do you need your team?"

Arthit's relaxed, smiling face changed into a grave expression and Kong immediately cursed his father for asking that question. He sat up more , flinching in pain and said,
" If the operation background is a college , it would be better to break into teams for the freshers as well as the second year. Didn't understand? Well, let Kong lead Team Beta and enlist as a freshman in the university while i enlist in the second year leading Team Alpha. As you can see, i lack many emotional responses , that is, my EQ is low so i could stand out and targets might become wary of my existence. My team fills up each others gap, for instance, Bright covers my stiff behaviour with his antics while Prem keeps Bright in check. In case, Prem gets out of hand, Knot helps him from getting lost in anger. Meanwhile, Toota who always tries to bring attention to himself but fails miserably, who poses minimum threat to the target will be the real intruder and transfer databases. So we will just be the decoys in the act but the tech savvy people behind the curtains. Savvy?"

"Since, when did you start watching Pirates Of The Carribean?!" Prem who had recovered from his crying fit, asked.

" Since you stopped crying. "Arthit replied, teasing him. Seriously, such a big, muscular guy with swollen, red eyes and runny nose, looked very cute , almost irresistible to be teased.

" What the fuck Ai'Arthit?!" Prem replied.
Snickering, Arthit said, " Payback for the punch."

" Not sure how i feel about the line, 'always tries to bring attention to himself but fails miserably ' . Hmm"

"But your fat ass does! " Bright ran out but not before  saying , " I'm in with whatever you do!" with a Toota chasing behind him.

"Not a bad plan . Some loopholes will have to be taken care of though" Knot commented, pondering.

" I was right to have chosen you. " Kong's father said.

Kongpob , all the while, remained calmly still, silently observing Arthit. He didn't want Arthit to be in the battlefield and that also, not in the same team as him . On top of that this timid boy was going to act as a bait. This set red flags inside him and he did not know why the ruthless, cold-hearted Kong cared so much about this pale, lean , cute boy . Wait ?! What?! Cute?! He needed fresh air immediately!
Opening, the door, he left wordlessly .

Arthit looked at the receding back of the silent Kong. He still wanted to know a lot of this mysterious guy whose father is the fifth richest tycoon in all of Asia. Yet this boy leaving all the riches, lavishness of life chose underworld and flourished there . Sighing Arthit thought, he had many things to uncover and felt a hand on his shoulder. Smiling, Knot stood behind him and said,
" We are with you through thick and thin but don't disappear on us, Ai'Arthit. "

Arthit had such good friends that he couldn't wish for better. His guys were the best that one could be blessed with.

Dear reader,

Sorry for taking so long to update! But I'm a college student so try to sympathise with me , maybe? 😣Well here's this half-baked chapter! Tell me if this lived up to your expectations. As usual read, comment and vote! 

Your lazy, BL Lover.

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