He Is Dangerous

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Parking Lightspeed in the underground garage of their hideout Kong took out Walther PPQ Q5 from the dashboard and tucked it in the leather holder inside his coat. Arthit had recovered and was out of the hospital three days ago. Within these three days, his cruel father already gave Arthit his first mission. Arthit was to interrogate the postman which they caught and eliminate the person who knows about his identity. Obviously, Arthit didn't had to do this alone. He had his gang to help him but he just discharged himself against doctor's warnings! This boy defined crazy! His father! Why the hell did he agree to this death wish ?!  Since Kong couldn't let him die , he took special supervision warrant over Arthit and even Kong didn't understand why he cared so much . However Kong was a person who followed his heart and not brain so even if his heart asked him to bring down mountains, he would do it.

 However Kong was a person who followed his heart and not brain so even if his heart asked him to bring down mountains, he would do it

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^(Walther PPQ Q5 dual slinger gun!)

Arthit looked at the iron door of the musty room. The walls had traces of blood on the which held the stories of countless tortures but not murder. Why not murder? Well murder would be like a solace to the people who came into the room. The real fun lies in the inferno of relentless torture till they beg for death . Mr. Suthiluck had asked Arthit what would be his choice of torturing weapon when he replied,

" Salt, water, syringe and a butter knife."

Such  simple requests kept Mr. Suthiluck baffled. He asked Arthit for the boy was new in business,

" Whiplashes, screw driver, chains....anything like that?"

"That won't be necessary." Saying so  Arthit disconnected the call.

Arthit preferred a bloodless torture, for blood in this closed room made him feel sick. It reminded him of painful memories which could distract him from the goal.  The iron door opened with a heavy creak and the spoiled brat stepped in who was five minutes late. Kong looked at the pale, lean boy standing in front the lady who was  with a disarrayed hair, sunken eyes , tattered clothes, chapped lips and felt fear for the boy. The lady had nothing to lose now and she could harm Arthit gravely but helping Arthit now would only disrespect him. Kong took the corner at arms length to Arthit and leaned against the wall. Arthit, on the other hand was pissed off at Kongpob for he didn't want Kongpob with him in the same room. Those muscles, the murderous aura, deadly predator eyes standing so close to him threatened him . With the tension high in the room, Arthit sopke out,

"P'Jina tell us who sent you here?". Kong snorted at the honorific used. According to him respect should be earned not demanded and this lady here did nothing to deserve Arthit's respect.

"For the umpteenth time, i have no idea. Kill me already. " Jina spoke up. Her eyes looked dead to Arthit underneath the shadows of the dim light. Honestly, it wouldn't feel so good to be alive within four walls weeks after weeks even though food is provided. Human brain tends to think, to explore and to be deprived of the ability of thinking is  the worst punishment that one could face. Indeed, P'Jina looked like she was at the last stage of her sanity, her humanity and Arthit just needed her to break,  to attack first, for his plan to work. If it had not been for the threat of her family from her client, she would've broken before. She knew her fate was sealed the moment Kong caught her but she was trying to save her family from her client. The moment the client knew he was being hunted, he would kill her family for he would know that she had exposed him. 

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