Sneaking out

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Damitris Pov:
Once I was done changing I went back to the kitchen making sure no one noticed me, even if I am a knight I am the omega so it meant I would get beat up often even if I can hold my own.
"Alright come on let's head out" I said as I started heading towards the gate "Wait!" Dekota whisper shouted as she grabbed my hood and pulled me back "what do you think your doing? We need to sneak out not just walk out of here" "why not, the door is right there" I said gesturing towards the door "for someone that is smart, and can notice a threat from a mile away, 'well except for when the orphans gangs up on ya', you really are stupid" Dekota said harshly "well I don't know what your talking about the exit is literally right there." "Uggggh you're a knight what do you think would happen if the other knights saw me just exit this place. They would literally drag me back to my room and be freaking the fuck out so we can't just leave through the front door". 'Oh ok yeah I am stupid but then again ITS LITERALLY A EXIT it is begging us to walk through it' "alright I guess you do have a point" I said giving in "ok great just follow me" she said as she opened a secret passage in the kitchen.

Dekotas Pov:
"Come on let's go" I said as I dragged him into the passageway. about 5 minutes passed full of silence "So..did you make this?" Damitri asked trying to break the silence "kinda, it was actually already somewhat here I just extended it so it could go farther" I said as we kept walking and taking 3 turns.

After another 5 minutes of walking we finally got out of the passage "well we're here" I said relieved "yeah and I-I-I, I didn't n-notice you w-were" Damitri said trying not to stutter but ultimately fails miserably while gesturing to my clothing, realizing what he meant "oh well it doesn't matter. No one ever suspects a young lord to wear something as indecent as this in public so it's alright" I said to reassure him.

We made our way into a tavern that was hosting 'Dance, Sing, and Drinks' they rarely did this but I guess tonight was a special night. "So my Lord what are we doing here? I mean you can go anywhere but why a tavern of all places" Damitri asked as we sat down "alright 1 none of this 'Lord' stuff, I don't want to blow my cover. 2 Call me Kota here so no one knows who I am. 3 this is the one place I can hide out, no one suspects a Lord to be here" I said as I slammed a gold coin down on the counter to say that I wanted something to drink "alright 'Kota'" as he finished saying that the bartender came with some drinks none alcoholic of chores for me since I hated the bitterness of it but Damitri liked it so he got some of course.

After hearing about 10 songs, talking with Damitri and Drinking a random guy came up to a lady that was sitting 2 seats away from me, "hey princess you looking to have some fun" the male said "no now leave me alone" the lady said but the man kept on bugging her saying 'it'll be fine' and 'that its alright no one has to know' it was starting to get to Damitri since he had his wolf ears and tail out, so I knew he was going to start a fight.
Damitri was about to get up but I pulled him down as I took one last sip of my drink "I'll take care of it" I said as I pulled up my mask then getting up.
I walked up behind the man that was disturbing the lady. I tapped him on the shoulder twice then he turned around to face me "what do ya want pip-squeak?" He said a little ticked off "well I see that you're bothering this lady with your nonsense so I suggest you leave her alone before things get bad for you" I threatened him while giving him a glare "oh really aye, I doubt ya could even do anythin ta me darlin so why don't ya step aside and mind yar own business before it gets ugly" the male said as he went back to bugging the lady "yeah well then I guess it'll have to get ugly" I said as I pulled him back and slammed his head against the table behind me "alright ya want to play, fine let's play" he said as he pulled out a knife and started swinging at me "whoa how about we play a little fair" I said while dodging every swing he threw at me "ugh how bout ya stay still so it don't hurt more" he said now trying to hold me down "yeah I think that'll hurt more" I said as I jumped behind the counter while taking a sip of my drink "Deko- I mean Kota let me handle this I don't want you getting hurt" Damitri said a little paranoid "nah it's fine this usually happens" I said as I placed my drink down "and besides I did start it so it is only fair but if I do need back up I'll call ya". I pulled out my knife from my holder to get ready for any attacks from this psychopath.

"fight me dipshit!" he said enraged "alright, how about we get you a drink first" I said as I smashed a bottle of alcohol over his head nearly knocking him out, "ya little shit! Now yar getting it". "aw is baby hurt did someone lose his pride" I said in a baby voice "UGH DIE YA SHIT!" he yelled running at me, but before he could do any damage to me I punched him right across the face knocking him out cold "that's what ya get when you mess with a lady you asshole" after that everyone in the tavern started to cheer as I finished my drink, paying the bartender with 3 golden coins and then headed out with Damitri.

Damitris Pov:
As we left the tavern I was just in awe from what I saw my Lord do I never knew she could do that and now it scares me. "Where are we going Dekota?" I asked as we were still walking, "you'll see" she said as we still walked.
After walking for a while we stopped at an abandoned place, "what are we doing here?" "Well whenever I head out I usually go and see the stars so I can relax, so thats why" she said as she started to go towards a ladder that led to the roof. Once we got to the roof I started to notice all the stars in the sky, it was mesmerizing "whoa, this looks incredible" I said still in awe from what I'm seeing, "yeah it really is that's why I love coming here, here you can see the starts clear as day well of course except for when it gets cloudy, but still beautiful nonetheless" she said as she pulled out a green apple and a red one to hand me "no wonder your sent smells like green apples" I said as I finally realized why sent was like that. "What do you mean?" she said as one of her ears went down giving a questioning look "when I found you, your sent was eliminating from the kitchen", "oh I guess that explains how you found me, but what do you mean by 'my sent smells like green apples'?" She asked still eating her apple "well its pretty self explanatory, you eat green apples so much to the point where your sent smells of it" I said while taking a bite of my apple "I guess I do, I didn't realize but whatever."

After 30 or so minutes of talking and looking at the stars we decided to sneak back into the palace. Once we were back in the kitchen we said goodbye and goodnight as Dekota went sneaking back into her room, and I went off to the knights quarters.

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