Breathe Me (Part 1)

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Breathe Me

Rain. The rainy sky of Forks, WA was a typical site. The only sounds I heard were the rain hitting the windshield, and The hum of Edward's Volvo. I shuffled the backpack in my lap to grab my Anxiety Pills.

"Another?" Edwards voice surprised me.

"I know, but it's the first day of school." I popped the lid of and swallowed another white pill.

"Bella, Please. Your only allowed two a day." His face was hard, as he stared at me. I pushed the brown hair out of my eyes and stared at him.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I forced a fake smile, and looked out the window. School was the second worst thing that make my anxiety worse. Night was the first. Darkness and nothing to do, made my mind think danger. My Heart would pump faster and faster, my mouth would become dry, and shaking would fall soon after that. We entered the school parking lot. Familiar faces and friends were all talking and laughing as they walked towards the small white school. Edward Parked next to a new car I had never seen before.

"James Martin. He's a new student." Edward mentioned while un-buckling his seatbelt.


"Carlisle knows his father, he works in the ER." He grabbed my backpack from my feet and smiled.

"Come-on Bella, we can do it." He shot me his amazing crooked smile and I couldn't help but blush and look down.

"Okay. Lets go." I took a deep breath and opened the car door. The smell of rain hit my nose, and Edward was at my side. He kissed my check and I Held my hand in his. I felt great, compared to other times. The pills were kicking in.

We walked hand in hand into the school. Nothing was going to defeat me today.

"Bella!" Alice chirped from across the hall. Before I could even look towards her she was hugging me and laughing.

"We have to get to class." Edward told her.

"Buzz-kill" Alice muttered under her breath.

I smiled, Alice and Edward never got along. I squeezed His hand harder as he pulled me through the crowded hallway of our school. People passed by. Talking, laughing, and the sound of the bell were all too much for me. I felt my heart begin to beat faster and faster. Edward could tell that an attack was coming. He turned towards me and stared at my face. I nodded.

"Help." I mouthed.

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