Death Comes To Us All

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Chapter Fourteen: Death Comes To Us All

'Death comes to us all'...

That is what the headline of today's paper that Tristen tosses down before me on my desk had read. A quote from my speech last night after publicly killing a priest and a convicted child molester. They were hung upside down from the ceiling with their mouths taped and hands bind with rope. It took little to no effort at all to trick the priest so I could get close to subdue him. They preach about sin and fleshly temptation but they themselves do not have the stomach to fight against it. Hypocrites. The molester, well he put up a fight until his own daughter woke up and hit him upside the head with a paper weight. Done in by his own flesh and blood. She will sleep better at night knowing that he will never hurt her again, it made me smile, made me feel good deep down inside. At that moment I knew this was my calling and what I was doing was right.

I had transported them to the top of the church to where the church bell was, each on one side of the bell. I pressed record and let the show started. How I have seen Amanda do this from time to time again. She was a natural and it dawn on me, she probably got it from me and thought by reenacting my methods would jog my memory of who I was. If that was the case, I applaud her, that woman truly loved me for me, her sacrifice would not go in vain. I stood there in between my two victims, wearing my black hood and my hockey mask holding a knife in my left hand. I stared at the camera for what felt like an eternity.

"Before you hangs two of the wicked. One holy man, the other a low life scum of the Earth. Both guilty of unforgivable sins. The priest who defiles young boys and a father who molests his own little daughter. Both men deserve to die because only the righteous can inherent this Earth. All sin must be cleanse and it shall be done." I announced to the camera and everybody who is near a television. Thanks to a small kid known only as Number Eight, I could hack into the cable's feed and broadcast myself live on all the channels. It was a thing of beauty.

With that instead of torturing them I cut the rope that held the church bell and it carries both men straight to the bottom crushing their bones. I follow up by dropping a bottle of alcohol down after the bell and dropping a lit match. Within moments the church is in flames. I turn to the camera and just stare long and hard at my audience, knowing they all are afraid at what they just witnessed. It has begun again and this time I won't be stop.

"My agenda is simple, cleanse this world from all sinners. And a final message to you evil doers, death comes to us all, but are you strong enough to accept your fate?" I glare at the television, feeling mighty, victorious in my mind but first I have to secure my victory I know that without a doubt. Phantom and my uncle Alex will definitely be a throne in my side, they both must be dealt with.

"You made a big statement last night. Are you really planning on taking on the Phantom? Alone." Tristen ask standing in front of the desk.

The thought had lingered in my head for some time now, taking on the Phantom. Yes I would, yes I must if my goals of creating a whole for people to live without fear, without sin. My world has no place for sin, and the price of sin is death. 

"Yes I am sure Tristen. I must do this if I want to accomplish The Messiah's will. I must do this alone." I answered. "If he is as good as they say he is, he would got the hidden message I left for him."

"Hidden message?" Tristen slowly pronounced.

"Yes. My uncle told me long time ago when I was younger that a man has to be strong enough to accept his own fate if he want to become someone. Weak men make excuses, strong men defy the odds. I had ran away from home when he told me that. Found myself in an abandoned warehouse. That is where I will kill Phantom in front of millions." I replied.

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